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A <br />*Monday, November 27, 2023 Charter Review Committee Minutes* <br />On Section 2.6 the Committee discussed mailing a postcard to registered voters as opposed to <br />the entire warrant and agreed that this would make a good survey question. <br />Mackenzie Ryan from the Mashpee Enterprise suggested mailers with QR codes. <br />People could also opt out of receiving the warrant through the mail. <br />The Committee discussed if the notice of a special town meeting does go out to all agencies. <br />Rodney Collins said the notice does go out to all agencies by way of the Town Officer/ <br />employee/department heads associated with the committee or board. <br />2.8 Petition Articles <br />The Committee discussed the deadlines for petition articles which are on the second Monday in <br />February and the second Monday in July. They also discussed the potential of petition articles <br />appearing on a special town meeting warrant. <br />Mary Waygan said that if the definition of town officer is used as interpreted by Town Counsel <br />that would mean that the chair of a board would also have to attend town meetings. <br />Rodney Collins said he would like section 2.8 to say the head of each department and or their <br />designee and the head of each division. <br />Don Myers said that the Finance Committee should have to write a written explanation of the <br />reason for their vote on articles. <br />The consensus is for the Select Board and Finance Committee to provide the reasoning behind <br />their decision on articles in addition to the explanation. <br />Motion to adjourn made by Carol Sherman, motion seconded by Darlene Furbush: <br />Miller, yes Weeden, yes Collins, yes Furbush, yes Lewis, yes <br />McKelvey, yes Myers, yes Sherman, yes Waygan, yes <br />Vote: unanimous <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:47. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Stephanie A. Coleman <br />Charter Review Committee Secretary <br />