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Finance Committee <br />Minutes <br />February 22, 2024 <br /> <br /> <br />The Town Manager said that they are looking at some adjustments with the School in order to get to the <br />number that they need to be at. He said he is somewhat confident that they will get there in the end. <br />He stated that there was a tentative budget submitted. He said that he doesn’t want to suggest that this will be <br />the final number presented at Town Meeting when the final Warrant is executed by the Select Board on March <br />th <br />18. <br />Mr. Collins stated that, in terms of Capital, there was one issue regarding testing. He said the testing was done <br />and the results were forwarded to him but that he wants to have an opportunity to discuss it with the <br />Superintendent and the Fire Chiefs before he starts indicating what he thinks should happen publically. <br />Mr. Collins addressed Mr. Meyers’ concern regarding the HVAC system at the Police Station and the funding that <br />was designated to it. He stated that he wants to clarify that nothing can happen with those funds until, and <br />unless, that vote is taken and ultimately approved to reauthorize that appropriation. <br /> <br />2. Review and Discuss the Town Manager’s Recommendations for the FY25 Operating Budget. <br />Mr. McKelvey asked for some clarification on how he was able to come up with the final proposed figure on the <br />Operating Budget. Mr. Collins stated that the Finance Director articulated some of the positions they have <br />taken. He stated that they don’t want to inflate projected growth or revenues but they don’t want to be <br />irresponsible by underestimating in order to short change something that is mission critical. He said they don’t <br />want to see any layoffs. He wants to have a discussion on all of the elements that have been reviewed on <br />something other than fixed costs and existing staff. Something that is governed by a collective bargaining <br />agreement or by PAP or a Personal Service Contract. <br /> <br />3. Review and Discuss the Proposed FY25 Capital Improvement Projects. <br />Mr. Collis reported that there is still debate internally and administratively whether to outright purchase or lease <br />Town vehicles. <br /> <br />4. Begin Review and Discuss any Available Warrant Articles for the May Town Meeting. <br />Mr. Collins had copies of Draft #2 of the May 6, 2024 Special and Annual Town Meeting Warrants distributed to <br />the Committee. <br />Chair Pettengill suggested not taking any action on them tonight in order to give the Committee time to go over <br />them. He reiterated that if any of the Committee Members have any question regarding the Articles to email <br />the questions to him and he will compile a list to then email to the Town Manager. He stated that votes will be <br />taken starting next week. Chair Pettengill went on to remind the Committee that it is split into two sections. The <br />Special Warrant and the Annual Town Meeting Warrant. <br />It was emphasized that they are working off of Draft #2 and that Draft #1 is out of date. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Mr. McKelvey to allow members of the public to speak on any of the Articles this <br />evening. <br />Motion seconded by Darlene Furbush. <br />Motion passed by Unanimous Vote. <br /> <br />Jim Stowell and Stuart Dobson stated that they petitioned the Town to redo their private roads for the South <br />Cape Beach Homeowner’s Association. The Town did a study costing $80,000 to redo the roads. The proposal is <br />for a complete redo of the roads and drainage system. It was stated that the homeowner’s association will <br />repay for it over a 20 year period. Mr. Stowell made note that the association pays taxes and, in turn, that helps <br />to maintain the Town’s roads. He said that in terms of the impact the association has on the Town they have <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />