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o Laishona inquired about who is our target audience is in the future. She feels as <br /> though working with the children at the Public Schools is very important for <br /> relaying the message to all members of the public. Educating the youth will have <br /> the biggest impact. <br /> ■ Committee members chose to spend more time with the Mission Statement. Committee <br /> members were assigned to come up with a list of 5 key issues and items that the EOC <br /> should focus on and prioritize them. <br /> Committee Updates : <br /> Water Quality Updates <br /> ■ Ashley updated the group on the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) CPC <br /> submission for the funding of an Aluminum Sulfate treatment for Ashumet Pond. She <br /> explained that a 50% cost share Environmental Service Agreement has been received <br /> from Joint Base Cape Cod, and that the document will be submitted to Town legal <br /> Counsel for review. The project was unanimously approved and recommended by the <br /> CPC for Town Meeting for a total cost of$550,000,with a reimbursement of$275,000 <br /> from JBCC and potential contribution from the Town of Falmouth of roughly 30%. <br /> Ashley explained that Falmouth's CPC is on a different schedule in their approval <br /> process,which would be a delay in Falmouth contributions, but should not hold up the <br /> project form moving forward. Falmouth generally support the project. <br /> ■ Ashley gave updates in regards to the Town's Intermunicipal Agreements (IMA) with <br /> Falmouth,Barnstable, and Sandwich in relation to Watershed Permitting under DEP for <br /> nitrogen TMDL Compliance and Title 5. The Waquoit Bay IMA and Watershed <br /> Permitting will be a joint filing between the Towns of Falmouth, Sandwich, and <br /> Mashpee. The drafted IMA is currently under legal review,but the intent of the Waquoit <br /> Bay Watershed Permitting Working Group is a file a joint permit and work together <br /> throughout the process.The Popponesset IMA has been approved and agreed upon by all <br /> parties in the Towns of Sandwich,Barnstable, and Mashpee. However, Barnstable has <br /> decided to file their Watershed Permit separately from the Watershed Permitting <br /> Working Group. Mashpee and Sandwich will be filing jointly for the Popponesset <br /> Watershed Permit filing. Barnstable will continue to work with both Towns under the <br /> IMA for all other aspects of coming to TMDL compliance within the Watershed. Ashley <br /> explained that a new grass roots working group, Save Shoestring Bay,has approached the <br /> Towns of Barnstable and Mashpee for a potential partnership in sewering sections of <br /> Cotuit within the Popoonesset Bay watershed. This partnership may help the Towns in <br /> coming to compliance sooner rather than later for Popponesset. The Popponesset <br /> Working Group is still waiting to hear from DEP in regards to Barnstable's permit filing. <br /> The Barnstable permit filing was simply their Comprehensive Plan that does not meet the <br /> time frame constraints under the new Watershed Permitting requirements,which could be <br /> ultimately denied. Ashley explained that a De Minimis Load filing will be filed by <br /> Mahspee for the negligible load we contribute to the Three Bays watershed. <br /> ■ Ashley informed the committed that SMAST will be giving their annual update to the <br /> Select Board at their February 12th 2024 meeting. The update will include the 2022 <br /> Mashpee Water Quality Sampling Program results of the quality of our estuaries <br /> (Waquoit and Popponesset Bay) along with an update of the Maahpee Wakeby <br /> Diagnostic Study. <br />