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Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Committee Minutes January 30, 2024 (Approved 3-7-2024) <br /> The Committee moved on to the Police Department request. Mr. Collins stated that the only item tabled at the <br /> last meeting of CIP was the new set of police vehicles (approved Tasers and 9 Police Vehicles (leased) at the <br /> meeting on 1-18-24). The recommendation is that $106,000 be added to the previous CIP approval for getting <br /> police vehicles, but for the lease vs. purchase of the vehicles be explored further to possibly avoid an 8% or <br /> more interest charge. He is asking for up to $106,000 to either purchase or lease depending on what plan will <br /> work best for the Police Dept. <br /> Police Dept:,, <br /> Lease (9)Vehicles $ 168,000 Capital Stabilization <br /> Police Vehicles $ 106,000 Capital Stabilization <br /> Tasers(10) $ 169,000 Capital Stabilization <br /> Total Police $ 443,000 <br /> Motion made by Mr. Cotton to approve the additional Police capital item at a cost of$106,000 bringing the <br /> total amount of the Police Capital for FY25 to$443,000, as per the table above. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr. McKelvey <br /> Discussion: Mr. Collins said he will inform the CIP Committee when a decision is made to lease (4 vehicles) or <br /> purchase (2 vehicles). <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. 6-0 <br /> Roll Call Vote: <br /> Mr. Collins,yes Mr. Cotton,yes Mrs. DeBoer,yes <br /> Mr. Livingston,yes Mr. McKelvey,yes Mrs.Thayer,yes <br /> Opposed, none <br /> The Town Manager went on to explain that after discussion with the Town Clerk and confirmation that the Town <br /> Clerk's original request for $25,000 for new voting machines can be removed from the Capital Improvement <br /> Program Plan as the amount is under the$25,000 CIP threshold and will be in the Town Clerk's operating budget. <br /> Motion made by Mr. McKelvey to remove the Town Clerk's capital request for$25,000 from the FY2025 CIP <br /> Plan. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr. Cotton. <br /> No discussion <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. 6-0 <br /> Roll Call Vote: <br /> Mr. Collins, yes Mr. Cotton,yes Mrs. DeBoer, yes <br /> Mr. Livingston,yes Mr. McKelvey, yes Mrs.Thayer,yes <br /> Opposed, none <br /> Mr. Collins presented his recommendation for the Transfer Station request as per the table below: <br /> Transfer Station <br /> Transfer Station Recycling Compactor replacement $ 19,000 DEP Grant <br /> $ 7,000 Capital Stabilization <br /> Total Transfer Station $ 26,000 <br />