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➢ Future Initiatives and Action Items: <br /> Finalize Committee Goals for 2024 <br /> ■ The committee felt as though the goals of the committee should wait until each <br /> committee member can supply their list of five individual items. This topic will be <br /> covered at a later date. <br /> ■ Alex mentioned she would like to see the committee look at Open Space and acquisition <br /> of parcels that the Town should secure as conservation lands. <br /> Committee Review: <br /> Finalize EOC's mission, vision, and values <br /> ■ Ashley mentioned that the EOC should keep its already approved mission <br /> statement. It is concise and to the point. She explained that the statement is all <br /> inclusive of the items previously presented by chair Weeden. The mission <br /> statement she recommend reads: <br /> "The Environmental Oversight Committee (EOC)shall monitor and report to the <br /> Select Board(SB) the status ofMashpee's ecological assets and progress on <br /> activities related to the regional environment. <br /> ■ Utilizing information solicited from and/or provided by town departments, <br /> committees, boards, non-government organizations, etc., the EOC shall <br /> evaluate, summarize, and report Mashpee's environmental standing on local <br /> and regional issues. <br /> ■ The EOC shall, working in cooperation with other Mashpee town groups, <br /> develop environmental educational proposals and suggest to the SB steps to <br /> address areas/items considered to need improvement. " <br /> ■ Mrs. Vitelli (Laishona) supplied her comments to the committee in writing. <br /> ■ Alex mentioned she took notes during the last discussion and that she would compile <br /> them and distribute them to the committee for review prior to the next meeting. <br /> ■ Mr. Colombo (Paul) and Alex mentioned they would like to include the words like <br /> "promote" and "advocate". <br /> ■ Ashley mentioned she thought working was all inclusive of promoting and advocating, <br /> the mission statement as written is not prohibitive. The statement as written is not worth <br /> changing. <br /> ■ Alex agreed that the mission statement was fine as written, but the committee needs to <br /> now work on the goals. <br />