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New Business <br /> ➢ Future Meeting Dates <br /> Confirm 2024 Schedule <br /> ■ Ashely informed the group that she will be sending out a draft schedule for the committee <br /> review. She mentioned that the group needs to agree to a schedule for the year in order to <br /> secure room space. <br /> ➢ Open Floor for Additional Comments and Questions: <br /> ■ The Mashpee Environmental Coalition's(MEC)Irene Checkovich was present to share <br /> that the MEC is working with the DPW to plan a textile recycling day and a hazardous <br /> waste day. She will be working with all of the local groups to come up with a full list o f <br /> Earth Day events to make sure it is available to the public. <br /> ■ MEC's Arden Russel was also in attendance and mentioned that recycling is a very <br /> important practice that the Town should be taking more seriously due to our trash issues <br /> on the Cape. <br /> ■ MEC's Arden Russel wants to work with the Town to re-establish the recycling or waste <br /> reduction committee. Waste may become a serious issue in the future due to sheer <br /> volume. Ashley mentioned that the private venders for roadside pickup should offer <br /> some incentive for homeowner recycling, or a free bin for recycling. <br /> ■ Mary Wagon for the public mentioned that the Cape Cod Commission did a study in <br /> regards to food waste and recycling in relation to methane gas release. She recommends <br /> that the groups review that study. <br /> ■ MEC's Irene Checkovich also brought up MEC's scholarship opportunities that are <br /> coming up for high school seniors interested in seeking an environmental degree. <br /> ➢ Adjournment : <br /> MOTION:Ashley Fisher made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:45 pm. Paul Colombo <br /> seconded the motion. All parties present voted in favor unanimously. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Ashley Fisher <br /> Environmental Oversight Committee Secretary <br />