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Minutes of Meeting <br /> Plan Review Committee <br /> Tuesday, June 6, 2023 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Evan Lehrer. Town Planner <br /> Mr. Lehrer addressed the audience to let them know that the Plan Review Committee provides <br /> recommendations for the ZBA. This Committee is not the permit granting authority, they are <br /> only advisory to the Zoning Board of Appeals, and to ensure compliance with the Town's rules <br /> and regulations and any applicable statutory codes such as Title 5, Building codes, Fire Safety, <br /> and public related issues. The job of the Committee is to recommend conditions that they would <br /> require within their requisite areas of expertise. The Board of Appeals is in a position to make <br /> the required finding under the Zoning Bylaw to approve this project. Their goal is not to approve <br /> or disapprove this project, their goal is to ensure that the appropriate conditions of the Board <br /> of Appeals can approve this and are captured in the permit regarding the site plan, and the <br /> concerns by the neighbors are consistent with the process and captured in an enforceable <br /> document thereafter. <br /> Catherine Laurent. DPW Director <br /> Ms. Laurent reviewed the site plan and a curb cut permit is required for emergency access <br /> purposes. Ms. Laurent asked if there was trash and recycling bins for the property. Mr. <br /> Leedham said that he has a sanitation service, and a larger dumpster that is located next to <br /> the bathroom facility. Mr. Leedham would like to upgrade the existing system to accommodate <br /> employee use on a year-round basis. Currently there is no accommodations for a year-round <br /> basis because the facility closes at the end of the season. The trailer has to be winterized. Mr. <br /> Leedham will work with the Board of Health to discuss a system for the patrons of the marina. <br /> The current system at the residence is servicing up to 5 (five) bedrooms and is a fairly recent <br /> system, but he already knows it needs to be upgraded to allow vehicles to drive over it, and <br /> when the change is made whether it's a limited capacity or a full capacity will be an <br /> environmental improvement. <br /> Ms. Laurent asked if there will be a walk way connected from the marina to the overflow <br /> parking. Mr. Leedham said there is a stairway located on the plan. Ms. Laurent mentioned that <br /> there should be a connection with an access isle for handicapped parking and to allow <br /> pedestrians a safe area to walk when existing their vehicle. Mr. Leedham said he provides <br /> parking guides, and has multiple attendants. <br /> Evan Lehrer. Town Planner <br /> Mr. Lehrer mentioned he met with the applicants several times and neighbors from Pirates <br /> Cove. He had an opportunity to review the letters that were submitted, and he drafted a series <br /> of recommendations and peer review comments for the ZBA. <br /> 3 <br />