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o Erosion of the revetment is exacerbated by road runoff at the top and waves at the <br /> base. No controls are in place to direct road runoff away from the revetment or salt <br /> marsh. <br /> o Current dinghy storage system is not optimal, risks injury to users and is a potential <br /> hazard to cars in high wind/surf conditions. Also, a potential contributor to erosion <br /> due to users climbing on the revetment. <br /> o Current parking situation is not ideal but improving it may encourage more people to <br /> utilize the beach for recreation. <br /> Recommendations: <br /> Near-term <br /> 1. Continue maintenance work to keep the structure stable and functional. <br /> 2. Discontinue use of pebbles: use larger chinking stones to fill gaps in revetment. <br /> Future <br /> 3. Reconstructing the revetment to modern standards <br /> 4. Improve drainage system <br /> 5. Rebuild or raise access to Seconsett Island to prevent overwash. <br /> 6. New dinghy storage system. <br /> 7. Parking: add crosswalk & lights for pedestrian safety <br /> A. Fisher mentioned that the area currently has no storm water control structures, and that the <br /> increases in storm frequency and sea level rise are exacerbating the issues in the area. She <br /> mentioned the hurricane of 1938 flooding the area entirely, and the area is in poor condition. <br /> R.Tomaino asked what if anything can be done for the dinghy storage in the location. It's very <br /> difficult to put any alternative in the location of the Town's largest mooring field. <br /> C.Avis recommended that the DPW be alerted to the smaller size gravel issue.He said he would <br /> let them know that a 4-12"size gravel is preferred and recommended for future deployment. <br /> Committee discussed making the area only available to residents for parking to access the <br /> mooring field and family shellfish area. This would reduce crowding and user conflicts. <br /> Ockway Bay Dredging Feasibility Study <br /> Dack Stuart,from Woods Hole Group presented on Ockway Bay Dredging Feasubility Study: <br /> Average seafloor elevation=-4.2 ft NAVD88 <br /> -2.5ft below Mean Low Water <br /> Hq « Sediment is composed of mud&silt,not <br /> suitable for beach nourishment <br /> i <br /> « No previous dredging. <br /> 1 <br /> • Strong and frequent public support for <br /> dredging. <br /> o This figure shows a potential channel and deepening of the Bay for a marina & mooring <br /> field. It is based on conversations with Ashley Fisher,the Harbormaster and the Shellfish <br />