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IMP. IMBO <br /> d"frk,{yn,r,fw VhP. <br /> w Mashpee lncCusion and'Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck RoadWorth <br /> 'VLashpee, AMA 02649 <br /> Cod and South Shore. Mashpee was the only town to hold a municipally recognized DEI <br /> group, and Falmouth now has their own town affiliated committee, formerly No Place for Hate. <br /> They just hosted the MLK breakfast. Ms. Stevenson introduced Elena Doyle and welcomed her <br /> back, as she helped formulate the Committee, she is the Administrator behind the Mashpee <br /> Message facebook group. Chairstated she was leftwith a lasting message that Ms. Doyle said <br /> and thatwas thatwe don't know who ourown neighbors are. <br /> Work Session: Committee Purpose and Procedure <br /> The word "belonging" was added to the Purpose Statement May 2023. The website was <br /> updated. The rationale comes from a Harvard study that says diversity is having a seat at the <br /> table, inclusion is having a voice, and belonging is having that voice heard. Diversity is a <br /> choice, inclusion is an action, and belonging is an outcome. <br /> During Diversity Day they identified all the "isms", and the issue of weight came up, even <br /> classism was addressed. Weightism might be another thing to look at. Ayesha will look into <br /> this, she has materials from the ADL as well. She elaborated they go into 7t" and 9t" grade <br /> classrooms and do workshops that help kids learn about cultures and bias is common. The <br /> goal is to minimize bias to help eliminate micro aggressions or racism in schools and the <br /> community. Each month will be a different topic or lesson. <br /> Mr. Kupferman added thatkids today get bullied forall kinds of reasons, he would assume it is <br /> mostly appearance, what you see when you look at someone. <br /> Mr. Ragin stated he has been in the schools for many years and he observed the ways in <br /> which to be a good human starts in kindergarten. He is part of the Southport Falcons, there are <br /> 50 volunteers who help in the schools, it connects generations, intergeneration is important. <br /> Chair Stevenson wants the Committee to take the Purpose home and read through the <br /> statements to see if any changes need to be made. Are we looking beyond some of these <br /> issues and finding ways to address them? <br /> Membership and Leadership <br /> Where is the diversity? In 2000 they had an African American Veteran and they had Ms. Doyle <br /> who was a young mother at the time, now her kids are older. For the most part it consisted of <br /> older retired white people. We have Tribal representation as well as young school aged <br /> participants. How do we get diversity? The school is very diverse, but that isn't necessarily <br /> reflective across other areas of town. There used to be a brochure that explained all the <br /> different resources and outlets for people new to town. The brochure has not been updated in <br /> some time. <br /> 2 <br />