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IMP. IMBO <br /> d"fr,,{ynr,fw VhP. <br /> w Mashpee lncCusion and'Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck RoadWorth <br /> 'Alashpee, AMA 02649 <br /> Operations <br /> We have expectations for members, basically if the job is getting done right it doesn't just <br /> require your presence at a meeting once monthly. There are subcommittee meetings that <br /> happen for different reasons, most notably Race Amity Day. The brochure did require a lot of <br /> extra attention outside of meetings. We cannotachieve all we wantto achieve forthis <br /> Committee in that one houra month, it does require a bit of a commitment, something that may <br /> not be for everyone. <br /> Ms. Doyle delved into that a little bit saying that was one big reason why she backed out was <br /> she simply didn't have the time or she was bringing her children to meetings sometimes. As <br /> the first projects rolled out the commitment didn't seem daunting because they were working <br /> on things that were close to their hearts. As a new member, it is important to be able to identify <br /> what your passion is and how you can piggyback off that into helping the community. Her first <br /> year she fought for childcare at Town Meeting so community members who had kids could <br /> come vote, that was important to her. A different project that year was spearheaded by a <br /> former veteran who wanted parking for service members in different locations of town, two <br /> spots were given across the street at Veteran's Park. <br /> Ms. Stevenson would love to have more volunteer members not necessarily increasing the <br /> number of voting members, but members who could replace someone given an absence. <br /> Some people are busy and cannot attend as often. She noted the importance of liaisons and <br /> finding some who have more time or interest in this venture. We need to ask the questions, <br /> what is this person not getting out of this and where do we go with that? We need to find <br /> people with passions and how to develop on those passions. <br /> Mr. Kupferman noted the police liaison was assigned to the committee, she did notvolunteer. <br /> Chairwould like associate members. If someone were interested in joining the Committee but <br /> a position was not open immediately, they could still participate. If someone doesn't show up <br /> can someone step in and make a vote in that person's absence? Does the time of our <br /> meetings work for everyone, or is there a better time? <br /> Programs and Events <br /> The discussion ensued of kiosks around town providing information. One could find out about <br /> the town's history and current events. The school store could be used a resource. The <br /> Ch amber couId be used as a resource. <br /> 3 <br />