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IMP. IMBO <br /> d"fr,,{ynr,fw VhP. <br /> w Mashpee lncCusion and-Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck RoadWorth <br /> 'Alashpee, AMA 02649 <br /> they haven't met before. They are attempting to get students and families from Who We Are to <br /> serve as ambassadors and maybe have a couple come up and speak. <br /> Dan Kupferman was also hoping to have some Tribal members. Winnie Johnson-Graham <br /> talked with a few men about drumming, if David and Brian Weeden have to go, there will be <br /> other members there for the different dances. Winnie also spoke with the Powwow Princess <br /> and hopefully can get in touch with her. <br /> Richard Klein would like to start putting together the paperflyer. Dan Kupferman will be in <br /> touch with Rachel Hicks' daughter,who designed the flyer last year, and she said she will do it <br /> again this year. The program will be done by Richard Donovan, he did it last year. <br /> Rolf Brandt asked about a list of people that had tables last year. Rickard Klein sent it to <br /> Richard Donovan. Rolf wants to target some potential people like gun safety from Falmouth, <br /> the Bike Lab who take donated bikes and fix them for the needy, and Falmouth Academy. Dan <br /> Kupferman said there will be more than 40 tables. He wants to ask Uncle Wayne Jackson to <br /> do an opening Wampanoag blessing. Richard Klein would like to ask Jessie Little Doe Baird to <br /> speak the blessing in Wopanaak. <br /> Work Session: Committee Purpose- Membership and Leadership, Operations, <br /> Programs/Events, and Mission Impact. <br /> Committee Purpose <br /> Are we making an impact? Where are we making an impact? Kim Landry asked about number <br /> 3, are we welcoming and addressing all those groups listed? <br /> Winnie Johnson-Graham noted the projects that did work such as the Veterans parking, Race <br /> Amity Day, Town Meeting babysitting, and the brochure. A couple of projects nevergot off the <br /> ground. <br /> Richard Klein noted this is Race Amity Day's 4tn year, which has been extremely successful. <br /> Winnie agrees it is bringing everyone together in Mashpee. <br /> Dan Kupferman added the Who We Are immigrant project that the school took over but runs <br /> as a legacy project. Race Amity Day is about interracial friendship and cooperation, that was <br /> where the focus has been. There are other things we could focus on if members felt <br /> passionate in other areas. He personally has felt passionate about RAD. What are people <br /> passionate about? <br /> 2 <br />