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IMP. IMBO <br /> d"fr,,{yn,r,fw VhP. <br /> w Mashpee lncCusion and-Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Weck RoadWorth <br /> 'Alashyee, AMA 02649 <br /> The Chair asked if he would be willing to come back and have more conversations. Mr. Augit <br /> stated it would depend on what kind of setting. <br /> Diane Burt also responded to this column, but in a positive way. She is with Braver Angels, a <br /> group of citizens who unite blue and red Americans. In 2016 she had to sign a pledge where <br /> you wouldn't say anything bad about the way other people vote, essentially voting for the other <br /> party. Plenty of people lean, plenty are in the middle. We learn out of respect. There is pain <br /> and concern here, that he feels like he is being called a racist. What does being called a racist <br /> mean to you, to her, and to everyone in this room? She pledges to hear him; does he pledge to <br /> hear her? <br /> She continued that this is an opinion column, so it won't have sources, but she is happy to <br /> hear that Mr. Kupferman offered to gather them. She is an ordained minister that moved to <br /> Mashpee two years ago. She came here to learn how to be a good ally of the Wampanoags. <br /> She read this column and felt a white man taking a very unpopular opinion for white men. <br /> Patriarchy and privilege and how this all works. Her first response was to thank him. If this <br /> write-up was encouraging to her and not to Mr. Augit, she wants to know why. This is hard work <br /> that steps on our toes. It might be about his experience in the army. The call to be inclusive <br /> isn't, in her opinion, giving everyone a seat at the table, its allowing everyone to talk. <br /> Chair concluded the time has run out, but this is further recognition there is more work to do. <br /> The Chair sees opportunity here and hopefully will have another chance to continue this <br /> conversation. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> MOTION: <br /> Ms. Johnson-Graham made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Mashpee <br /> Inclusion and Diversity Committee at 6:17p.m. Seconded by Mr. Klein. All in favor. <br /> NEXT MEETING: May 21, 2024 @ 5:OOP.M. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Christine . MacDonald <br /> Board Secretary <br /> 4 <br />