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16 Great Neck RoadNorth <br />-lashpee, -Massachusetts 02649 <br />Mashpee Planning Board Raze & Replace Workshop <br />Minutes of Meeting <br />Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM <br />Mashpee Public Library — Event Room <br />64 Steeple Street <br />Mashpee, Ma 02649 <br />APPROVED: 08/07/2024 <br />Recorded by Mashpee TV <br />Streamed Live on the Town of Mashpee website <br />htt:/ w aslh eeina.�v/Ihairinell5 <br />Present: Chair Mary Waygan, Mike Richardson, Karen Faulkner, Dennis Balzarini, Rob <br />Hansen <br />Also Present: Evan Lehrer— Planning Consultant, Members from Popponesset Beach <br />Association, Pirates Cove, Briarwood, Johns Pond, Ashumet Pond, and New Seabury <br />Absent: Dale Oakley <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />Chairwoman Mary Waygan called the workshop to order at 6:OOPM. Ms. Waygan thanked <br />everyone for participating and being involved in the community. This is a workshop which is a <br />little bit different than the normal format. She asked that all participants sign in and leave a <br />contact for future engagements. <br />HISTORY <br />The Town has been looking at this for a while. The current zoning bylaw as it stands now is <br />included in the packet. A change was proposed in public session. Based on Public Comment, <br />the Planning Board decided the proposed draft wasn't ready to go to Town Meeting. Since <br />then, there have been some meetings taking place in Popponesset Beach, and the Town <br />Planner attended one. Present this evening are members from Popponesset, New Seabury, <br />Briarwood, Pirates Cove, Ashumet Pond, and John's Pond. <br />TOWN PLANNER <br />Raze & Replace has been a topic of discussion since he started in 2019. Relatively recent <br />appeals on various special permit decisions have led him to wonder how we can better <br />achieve consistency and predictability for the Zoning Board of Appeals. He would like to <br />establish some definition of what constitutes a substantial detriment to the neighborhood. His <br />goal is to create predictability not only for property owners but for the regulatory boards <br />reviewing Raze & Replace proposals. <br />