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16 Great Weck RoadWorth <br />-Mashpee, -Massachusetts 02649 <br />This includes development within the 100-year flood plain and implications for expanding on a <br />lot. This has presented interest amongst many associations and neighborhoods that <br />understand existing conditions and have a willingness to better clarify how we can alter <br />conformities or not, depending on this discussion. <br />Mr. Lehrer commented that important components for Raze & Replace are dimensional <br />nonconformities within the bylaw like setbacks, building height, and lot coverage. Preexisting <br />nonconformities are allowed to expand. An applicant presents the plan and identifies the non- <br />conformity and may propose continuing to expand and the ZBA could approve and it is not <br />more detrimental. <br />Mr. Lehrer continued that the critical issue that brought us to this discussion was the lot <br />coverage in the Poppy Overlay District that was created in the early 1990's. There is a <br />minimum of 6,000 s.f. with 25ft. front setback and 15ft. on the rear and 25% lot coverage. Most <br />homes are in the floodplain with land subject to coastal storm flow, and lot area could not be <br />considered. The proposal last presented included unique language and was more restrictive <br />with no increases in lot coverage. When you can't calculate lot coverage, you cannot divide it <br />by zero. Any increase is more detrimental. A non -conforming side setback could be maintained <br />but not expanded vertically. You could maintain first floor but need to bring second story to 15 <br />feet from property. <br />Mr. Lehrer explained the current bylaw proposal contains general requirements, but more <br />specifically dives into trying to provide definition of what conditions for reconstruction would <br />constitute substantial detriment. The draft before went two pathways: floodplain and non- <br />floodplain. Much of the feedback received wanted standards that work for all properties <br />regardless of location. The floodplain is a protected resource area. It seeks this through <br />neighborhood character and lot coverage issues. In the floodplain you can't expand, but you <br />can grow vertically, and any existing side or rear non -conforming could be outside of the <br />floodplain, you could expand up to the maximum, if you're at 18% you could go to 20%. This <br />would benefit all subdivisions with smaller lots, Santuit and Johns Pond to name a couple. It's <br />about vertical expansion of side yard setback non -conformities and only allowing vertical <br />where side yard setback line begins. <br />Ms. Waygan reiterated seeking more predictability within the floodplain which is connected to <br />our water quality. What are we doing with non -conformities? Are we trying to get rid of, <br />decrease, or just wait and see what happens? There were two versions, one solely for <br />Popponesset and another bylaw for Town wide. Based on feedback it seems like people want <br />this uniformed town wide. She introduced the idea of form -based code redevelopment as an <br />option. That means if you meet architectural and site design standards you can get a building <br />permit by right. <br />NEIGHBORHOODS <br />Popponesset <br />2 <br />