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07 <br /> Town of Mashpee Sewer Commission <br /> sw <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> Mr. Meader informed the Commission that Summerwood residents have requested fencing around the <br /> pump station and that this was something that was promised when Ray Jack was involved in the sewer <br /> project. Mr. Meader stated that he has asked the contractor for pricing on fencing. <br /> Chair Harris asked if we are on target for having the WRRF open and operational between January to <br /> March 2025. Mr. Drainville noted that we're still waiting on the electrical and process equipment. That <br /> is still the official time, but we're waiting for the contractor to provide definitive dates. <br /> Mr. Lyons discussed the fact that the original plan in 2015 included the upper end of Great Neck South <br /> as a primary area for sewer. There's approximately one mile of roadway from the circle south on Great <br /> Neck that has a number of condominiums and private homes in it. They are dumping septic right into <br /> the river and are one of the primary contributors to the pollution of the river. He stated that we're not <br /> doing anything yet on one of the most prolific polluted areas and that we should call it Phase 3. If we <br /> don't do it now,then we'll have trouble on the other end. He further stated we need an estimated <br /> quotation for all of the housing polluting the south end of the river. He noted this was Phase 2 of the <br /> original plan. This would include the development of Windchime, Seamist and Sandalwood and another <br /> 75-100 houses in an area further down. Mr. Meader stated that some of these condominiums are under <br /> private systems. Windchime has a processing facility which is on its last legs and could potentially be <br /> our pumping point. <br /> • Sewer Project Progress and Projection <br /> Mr. Drainville showed a slide from a previous presentation showing the Overall Water Quality and the <br /> primary water bodies effected in each area. <br /> Mr. Drainville informed the Commission that they are working on making an update to the 2015 Plan. <br /> Ray Jack had asked that a financial study to go along with a rate study as well as looking at the future <br /> sewering. This is underway and working to a conclusion, which will be coming soon. <br /> Mr. Meader stated that at the mid-October Sewer Commission meeting options and models will be <br /> presented. <br /> • Interview, Discussion and Possible Recommendation for Sewer Commission Vacancy—Mohan Nair <br /> Chair Harris began the interview process by requesting the candidate come forward. Mohan Nair from <br /> Lakeview Drive presented himself and expressed his reasons and interest in joining the Sewer <br /> Commission and responded to questions from the Commissioners. The Commissioners expressed the <br /> need for a commitment to not only attending the Sewer Commission meetings, but also taking part in <br /> other areas (i.e.,the Sewer Commission Website,the Sewer Commission policies, etc.). The Commission <br /> conducted their interview with Mr. Nair and informed him that the Commissioners would be completing <br /> their recommendations which would then be submitted to the Select Board for their review and <br /> possible interview before final decision. The Commission thanked Mr. Nair for his interest in supporting <br /> the Town. Chair Harris then asked the Commissioners to take a couple of minutes to fill out the <br /> recommendation form so she can summarize and report back to the Select Board. <br /> 2 <br />