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Minutes of Meeting <br /> Plan Review Committee <br /> Tuesday, June 4, 2024 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Mr. Lizardi said that another revision discussed at the last meeting was to pave the <br /> entrance to the lot with exaggerated 2 ft. berms on either side. This paved entrance is 4 <br /> ft. wide with 2 ft. berms on either side, and is wide enough to accommodate vehicles <br /> entering and existing the lot without any issues. <br /> Evan Lehrer, Town Planner <br /> Mr. Lehrer said that at the last meeting, there was discussion based on the lack of <br /> knowledge regarding how the trailers would be stored, and if pods were going to be <br /> situated, and if there would be adequate access to those pods and/or storage containers. <br /> He reviewed the bylaw and storage bins are specifically not allowed in contractor yards. <br /> Since that discussion, those trailers have been removed, and is not a concern with <br /> Zoning. He is satisfied. <br /> Catherine Laurent, DPW Director <br /> Ms. Laurent asked that any approvals be conditioned to install a track pad as indicated <br /> on the site plan. <br /> Drew McManus, Conservation Agent <br /> Mr. McManus wanted to know how long the material would be stored in the bins. Mr. <br /> Lizardi spoke to his client and some of the logs will be shipped away and disposed offsite. <br /> Some will be sent to mills to process that lumber, and some may be kept onsite. <br /> David Morris, Building Commissioner <br /> Mr. Morris asked if there will be a gate installed. Mr. Lizardi said; yes with a lock box, and <br /> the appropriate agencies will be given the access to the lock box. <br /> Joe Peltier, Deputy Fire Chief <br /> Mr. Peltier said that the applicant can get the Knox Box from the Fire Department. <br /> Zachary Seabury, Health Agent <br /> Mr. Seabury recommends a backup plan for rodent control since there is no indication <br /> how long the hard and soft wood will be stored. If there are any complaints, he has a <br /> company to call. He mentioned that other facilities have rodent boxes situated around <br /> their property. <br /> 2 <br />