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Town of Mashpee Sewer Commission <br /> 07 <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> Santuit Pond area. The Chair also requested for additional information on the submission of the SRF <br /> application. Ms.Trip noted that to receive the SRF funding is the submittal of the application, which <br /> includes plan sets,specifications, contracts, etc. The application will be reviewed by SRF in great detail <br /> over the coming weeks and ultimately will receive a Project Approval Certificate (PAC). The PAC should <br /> likely be received in January and should put the Town in a position to bid it during the winter. The next <br /> major step will be asking for permission to advertise the project. The next major deadline is having all of <br /> the contracts executed by June 30, 2025. <br /> Before introducing the discussion of a billing method, Mr. Meader took a minute to introduce Ashley <br /> Fisher who has recently joined the Department of Wastewater Management as the Water Quality <br /> Coordinator. She's also expressed learning to become an Operator as well as a lab technician when the <br /> new Admin Building is completed. She will also be coordinating grants for the Town as a whole. This is a <br /> huge bonus for the Department. <br /> Mr. Meader noted that while working on the rate study, he was reminded that the initial proposal was <br /> that the Town was going to subsidize 100%and then wean off as customers connected. There's a lot to <br /> data to crunch. He requested from the Commission a vote on how to bill (bedroom count or flow based). <br /> He recommended using a flow based billing system. Mr. Meader provided the Commission an example <br /> of Tiered Billing System Using Units. Mr. Meader stated that he would propose that every January the <br /> approved rates be reviewed so the rates aren't locked in; doesn't mean we have to change the rates, <br /> but at least they would be reviewed. There was discussion related to seasonal residents, condominium <br /> owners/buildings. Mr. Meader reminded the Commission that he was only asking for a vote on the <br /> billing method. A Public Hearing will have to be held which will set the rates. Mr.Towle asked for <br /> clarification for when talking about meters that they're referring to the water meters. Mr. Meader <br /> confirmed that was accurate. Mr. Meader said that a deduct meter would be used to capture those <br /> instances where an irrigation system might be hooking up to Town water, but since there's not <br /> supposed to be irrigation systems hooked to Town water,this shouldn't be a factor. The deduct meter <br /> would be placed in the vicinity of the fixture. For residents on a well, there are a couple options;fixed <br /> billing or put a meter on the well. This is something that the Commission will need to decide. The Chair <br /> asked about the number of homes that are on wells and Mr. Meader said it was approximately 30 <br /> homes not on Town water in the sewering project. Ms. Sprout also mentioned that there are some <br /> residents that choose not to hook up to Town water. Motion was made by Mr.Towle to have Jared <br /> move forward with a flow based billing system. Motion was seconded by Ms. Castaneda. Motion <br /> passed by unanimous consent. <br /> Chair's Report <br /> The Chair reported that the Town is in need of applications for various positions such as Board members <br /> and Board secretaries. The openings can be found on the Select Board and Town websites. She noted <br /> that she's impressed with the joint workings of various board and committees and working together such <br /> as the IMA working groups. When contracts are codified with these agreements, we can then work <br /> together on mutually beneficial programs for the Towns impacting both of our watersheds. <br /> The Chair reported on the presentation to the realtors and the importance of being able to share and <br /> inform residents of what's happening on the Sewer project. The slides from this presentation can be <br /> found on the Sewer Commission's website in the Archive tab. <br />