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Town of Mashpee Sewer Commission <br /> 07 <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> Meeting Minutes of the Mashpee Sewer Commission <br /> Thursday, November 21, 2024; 2:00 PM <br /> Mashpee Town Hall -Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North, Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> *In-person and televised meeting* <br /> Present: Chair, Meredith Harris; Vice Chair, Alfred Towle; Clerk, Catherine Castaneda; Commissioners <br /> Phyllis Sprout,Joseph Lyons and Mohan Nair; and Wastewater Superintendent,Jared Meader <br /> Chair, Meredith Harris called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. in open session. <br /> The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silence. <br /> Minutes <br /> The Chair requested any changes or comments to the minutes. It was requested to change the spelling <br /> of Ms. Castaneda's last name. Being no further changes, Mr.Towle Motioned to approve the minutes <br /> as corrected. Motion seconded by Ms. Castaneda. Motion passed by unanimous consent. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Ms. Susan Dangle of 762 Cotuit Road presented herself to announce that the Town would soon be <br /> receiving the Diagnostic Pond Study Management Plan for Mashpee Wakeby Pond. A presentation on <br /> the findings would be made at an upcoming Select Board meeting and it was suggested that members of <br /> the Sewer Commission attend that meeting as there will be a lot of good information. She also reported <br /> that Falmouth is going to have some extra money and will be submitting along with Mastech an <br /> application to the State for a urine diversion provisional study. They will be looking for Mashpee and <br /> other surrounding towns to also participate in this study. <br /> New Business <br /> • Review, discuss and possible approval of grinder pumps for Sea Oaks <br /> Ms. Sandra Tripp from GHD provided a Phase 1 status update. She began by providing an update to the <br /> Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF). Plantings are done, paving has been completed, odor <br /> controls are in place, covers have been installed to many of the various process tanks,they have been <br /> pulling wires, terminating the equipment and make general improvements. Both buildings are being <br /> cleaned up. The lighting is in place and on temporary power. Process Building has a mechanical room <br /> and are insulating the piping. There's been a lot of terminated work in the electrical room. <br /> Architectural improvements have also been made with some finishing touches. <br /> Ms.Tripp then provided an update on Phase 1 and Phase 1A and reported that Contract 2 which is <br /> primarily all piping work is basically complete except for a few punch list items. Contract 3 is pending <br /> until the two Pump Stations are complete when the Plant is up and running. Contract 1A's construction <br /> is currently in progress. They are setting manholes and a vault at the Brewster Pump Station and placed <br /> gravity sewer on Brewster Road. She then reviewed the work expected to be done in the next month. <br /> 1 <br />