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Town of Mashpee Sewer Commission <br /> 07 <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> Ms.Tripp then reported on the cash flow and noted that are approaching the contractual end of the <br /> project. They have received a formal request for a time extension and once received, it will be shared <br /> with the Town. <br /> Ms.Tripp mentioned that there had been some questions on start up and testing and presented <br /> information to help the Commissioners understand what would be happening at the Plant in this regard <br /> over the next few months. She then discussed that the timing of the startup is anticipated for the Spring <br /> of 2025 and will be based on the arrival of the MCC in early December. She stated that the Contractor <br /> has requested additional time. Mr. Meader interjected that we're still targeting the Spring; it just may <br /> be later in the Spring as opposed to early Spring. <br /> Ms.Tripp then provided an update on Phase 2 and reminded everyone that last month a big deadline <br /> was met with the SRF submittal. All the work is ongoing;the OPM is reviewing the 60%design plans and <br /> have reviewed three of the six contracts. Looking ahead, we're beginning the prequalification process <br /> for contractors for the Plant. The actual bidding will begin in late Winter of 2025 and the contract <br /> execution has a hard deadline of June 30, 2025. It's expected that Phase 2 construction will begin in July <br /> of 2025. <br /> Commissioner Nair reminded Ms.Tripp that there was a previous request for critical paths. Ms.Tripp <br /> responded that because of the request for time extension and the Town hasn't been presented the <br /> critical path schedule and therefore she wasn't comfortable discussing it in this forum. She stated that <br /> perhaps would be able to share it at the next update meeting. Commissioner Lyons then inquired if this <br /> presentation would also be made available to the public. Ms.Tripp responded that the Wastewater <br /> Department uploads the monthly presentation updates to the Sewer Commission's website. <br /> Mr. Meader then began discussions of next steps and noted that we're looking at Phase 3 (possibly the <br /> western side of Town) and completing the groundwater discharge permit. In addition,the testing and <br /> monitoring needs to take place to see the results from Phase 1 to see how much more work needs to be <br /> done. He noted that they were looking at the Pimlico Pond Road or the Mashpee Wakey Pond area for a <br /> recharge station. The area is topographically challenging and may not be able to be used, but a study is <br /> in process now. He noted that the western side of Town is likely going to need another facility to handle <br /> the flow. Mr. Meader noted that there would be three monitoring wells installed to make sure the <br /> treatment is being completed at the Plant,which is a State requirement. <br /> Mr. Meader requested Ms.Jill Campbell, a property manager representative of Sea Oaks, come forward <br /> to discuss the grinder pumps for Sea Oaks. She noted that there are 111 units that are part of Phase 1 <br /> and that the main has already been installed and that they're in progress of contracting with a <br /> contractor. Part of the scope was that the grinder pumps were to be provided by the Town and through <br /> the process they were informed that there was no documentation indicating that the Town was <br /> providing six E1 grinder pumps. She referenced the February 16, 2023 meeting of the Sewer <br /> Commission in which they were promised a betterment of$690,000 and further that former Town <br /> engineer, Ray Jack, stated that the pumps would be purchased by the Town and installed by Sea Oaks. <br /> We need the specifications on the pumps so we can move forward with our Contractor. Ms. Campbell <br /> stated that she was here today to request confirmation of the Commission that the Town would be <br /> supplying the grinder pumps at no cost and clarification of the installation and maintenance. Sea Oaks' <br /> hope is that what would be provided to a single home owner would be similar for Sea Oaks. Mr. Meader <br /> noted that he questioned if Mr.Jack had the authority to authorize the purchase of the six grinder <br /> 2 <br />