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MINUTES July 6, 1989 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 1 . ) Warrants signed. <br /> 2. ) Mr. Greelish motioned to accept the minutes of June 29, 1989, Mr. Doherty <br /> seconded, all agreed. Mr. Greelish motioned to accept the Executive <br /> Session minutes of June 29, 1989, Mr. Costa seconded. (Mr. Doherty had <br /> stepped down from the Executive Session meeting. ) <br /> 3. ) Submittal of "Supplemental Environmental Impact Report" for Mashpee <br /> Commons expansion - Mr. McQuaid informed the Board the report describes <br /> their projected future expansion and the increase in treatment plar(6 <br /> capacity from 38,000 gallons per day to 120,000 gallons per day. Mr. <br /> McQuaid stated favorable comments were received from Cape Cod Planning , <br /> D.E.Q.E. and the division of Environmental Management. Mr. McQuaid <br /> stated, one of the reason it may be favorably reviewed is their willing- <br /> ness to cooperate in a regional plant and have contributed some engineer- <br /> ing funds in the design of that subregional treatment plant. Mr. McQuaid <br /> commented they are not willing to hold up on expanding their present <br /> treatment plant if a time factor forces them to. Mr. McQuaid recommended <br /> the Board stress the importance of a regional plant as opposed to private <br /> treatment plants throughout the town. Mr. McQuaid stated the other major <br /> concern was increased traffic flow at the rotary which was answered that <br /> neighborhoods will be so designed with interconnecting roads where inhabi- <br /> tants of the residential neighborhoods will not have to travel routes 151 <br /> or Route 28 to reach Mashpee Commons. <br /> Mr. Costa commented these issues pertain to the Planning Board and requested <br /> Mr. McQuaid to forward a letter stating this Board appreciates their support <br /> in development of the regional treatment plant. <br /> 4. ) Discussion on revised plans for Dolphin Bay subdivision - Mr. McQuaid <br /> stated he has requested Mr. Slavinsky s attendance to discuss this matter <br /> as he is the design engineer for this project. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky informed the Board this project is currently in the special <br /> permit process and commented, in his opinion, a stipulation in the special <br /> permit will be the installation of a public well . Mr. Slavinsky suggested <br /> this Board consult with the Town Planner, as he has been involved in this <br /> project from its initial stages. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated he spoke with the town Planner who commented the Board <br /> of Health, if it so wishes, may make its recommendations that town water <br /> be supplied and request the installation of a regional treatment plant <br /> who's waiting period shall be determined by this Board, individual septic <br /> systems would be considered if problems arise with the treatment plant. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated another concern is the easement thru the town landfill <br /> property for access to this development. <br /> Mr. Costa stated he will withdraw his support for the right-of-way if <br /> plans as originally submitted have been revised. <br /> Mr. Greelish stated this Boards recommendations to the Planning Board <br /> would be to require a buffer zone. <br /> Mr. Costa requested Mr. McQuaid to request Mr. Fudala' s attendance at <br /> the next regularly scheduled meeting to discuss this proposed subdivision. <br />