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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> July 13, 1989 <br /> Meeting called to order at 7 pm. <br /> Members present: George R. Costa, Stephen J. Greelish and John T. Doherty. <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING. IT IS FOR THE PRUPOSE OF TRANSCRIBING MINUTES. <br /> Mr. George R. Costa, Chairman <br /> UNSCHEDULED APPOINTMENT: Detective Brad Fish, Ernie Virgilio. <br /> Re: Shooting range at landfill location. <br /> Mr. Fish explained that at present the range is located directly behind the <br /> Police Dept. and adjacent to the new school . Fortunately, we've never had an acci- <br /> dent. Now a complete facelift is proposed for the complex, including additions to <br /> the Police and Fire stations. This should occur within the next 18-24 months. <br /> The building extension and a road are planned for the area of the firing range. We <br /> are looking for a permanent location and would like you to consider allowing us <br /> to use a part of the landfill . Other locations considered were either too isolated <br /> or other proposals are in the works. We understand you have plans for a treatment <br /> plant at the landfill site, however, Ernie and I were looking into the pit area <br /> in the N.E. corner which is already dug out and this would muffle the noise. <br /> These practice ranges are mandated by law.The Police Dept. is fortunate in that we <br /> have up-to-date equipment which should be under cover. We propose to install <br /> weatherproof protection for our automated practice equipment. We will make it a <br /> nice looking area. <br /> Mr. Costa stated that he has looked at the area and sees no problem with it. <br /> He requested that a plan be submitted and that Weston & Sampson review the pro- <br /> posal to make sure it would not interfere with other plans we may have for the <br /> area.As long as its isolated and safe I have no problem with it. We would want it <br /> restricted to the Police Dept. use or Police Dept. supervision if outsiders are <br /> using the practice range. We could supply you with a key for nightime practice. <br /> as long as you maintain the security of the area. <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned the noise levels affecting the proposed adjacent <br /> subdivision, especially since it would be 80I nightime practice. (Noone else <br /> voiced concern over the noise level ) . <br /> Mr. Fish stated that eventually they would like to have powero in the area. <br /> No Board member voiced objection to the proposal . <br /> 1 . Mr. Greelish motioned to accept the minutes of the July 6, 1989 meeting. <br /> Mr. Doherty seconded. All agreed. <br /> 2. Warrants signed. <br /> Mr. McQuaid asked the chairman for permission to sign the Landfill payroll <br /> voucher if he deems it appropriate, since it has to be in Accounting by 10:00 am. <br /> It was estimated at three people at 40 hours. Mr. Costa ok'ed the request. <br /> APPOINTMENT: 7:30 pm. Mr. Slavinski , Mr. Fudala, Mr. Kirrane. Re: Dolphin Bay. <br /> Mr. Richard Ferrera from Cape & Islands was introduced by John Slavinski . <br /> Mr. Costa stated that one of the questions that was brought up last week <br /> when the Board first looked at the revised plans was the question of the pota- <br />