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MINUTES - BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING JULY 13, 1989 <br /> page 2. <br /> bility of the water at this site. The second issue is that of the right-of way. <br /> Weston & Sampson objected to the Board granting an easement acroos the landfill <br /> property for the purpose of building an access road to the development. W & S' s <br /> comments further stated that if the Board were to grant the easement at least <br /> a fifty or 100 foot buffer should be required along the roadway. <br /> Mr. Kirrane stated that in compliance with the Planning Board a 100 foot <br /> buffer on each side of the road would be a part of the special permit. <br /> Mr. Fudala, Mr. Kirrane and the Board studied the plans as to location of <br /> the road, the future treatment pland and the transfer Station. <br /> Mr. Ferrera indicated that in his oppinion land was being cleared beyond the <br /> town property in the area of the pit.Mr. Virgilio countered that they were <br /> clearing in compliance with W&S' s surveying of the property. Mr. Costa asked <br /> Ernie to look into this with W&S. <br /> Mr. Costa stated another concern the Board has is with the row of lots <br /> directly abutting the landfill lagoon area.We were under the impression that <br /> as with the original condo plan there would be enough greenspace between the <br /> lagoons and the homes that we would not be getting complaints from abutters <br /> about smell and litter the way we have been receiving from across the way on <br /> Asher' s Path. <br /> Mr. Kirrane stated that the original condo plan didnot include the area <br /> directly behind the lagoons. This OSID plan however does include this property <br /> and access to it would be from Meetinghouse Road and Asher' s Path. The lots in <br /> question are fairly deep and we could restrict building within the 50 feet zone <br /> closest to the laggons as long as we could place the septics fully in the rear. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding tying in the two open space corridors. <br /> Mr. Costa questioned the possibility of trading the isolated 6+acres <br /> created by the roadway for the row of lots directly abutting the lagoon area. <br /> Mr. Greelish agreed that at least a restrictive covenat be attached to those <br /> lots adjacent to the lagoons prohibiting buildings closer than 50 feet from the <br /> property line. He stated that W&S has not yet affirmed the location of the pro— <br /> posed treatment plant. <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented that his biggest concern is what kind of water <br /> quality will be obtained in that area.ln spite of the fact that the groungwater <br /> flow direction is generally away from the proposed site, a possible second <br /> contamination plume, if indeed it exists would most likely flown directly <br /> into this area. He further recommended to the Board that it hold off approving <br /> any new wells in the area and wait until public water is available <br /> Mr. Kirrane stated that the intent is to lay the water mains and hook into <br /> public water as soon as it becomes available.However we wish to drill wells and <br /> submit to water analyses and based on their results obtain building permits <br /> while waiting for public water. He responded to the notion of creating a moratorium <br /> area would only be justified if the water was first proven to be unpotable. <br /> He stated that under town by-law they would be required to sink a pair of monitoring <br /> well for each ten lots. <br /> Mr. Greelish stated that if the water commision' s estimate of time for <br /> public water availability in this area is anywhere near accurate, the issue <br /> of wells is probably mute. <br />