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07/13/1989 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
07/13/1989 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES - BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING, JULY 13, 1989 <br /> page 3. <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned whether laying sewer lines in anticipation of a <br /> -egional treatment plant was being considered. <br /> Mr. Kirrane replied that it had been considered, however, due to gravity feed <br /> and other unknowns such as proposed location, the consideration had been dropped. <br /> Mr . Mcquaid calculated that the flow from 67-2 1/2 bedroom dwellings <br /> would be 18,400 gals. per day. All agreed however that DEQE would not permit a <br /> private treatment plant for privately owned single family homes. Mr. Mcquaid further <br /> questioned how the developper would enforce private homeowners to tie into public <br /> water once it becomes available. <br /> Mr. Kirrane responded that a restrictive covenant would be placed on the deeds <br /> requiring this. <br /> Mr. Costa stated that he sees the 6.27 acres as useless to the town and would <br /> prefer to see a swap for the lots bordering the lagoons. <br /> Mr. Kirrane stated that he would prefer to move ahaed with the plans as shown for <br /> time' s sake but that he would recommend to his client that he consider this option. <br /> Over two and one half years were spent meeting the Planning and Conservation require- <br /> ments and to make us wait for town meeting for a land swap seems unfair, however, <br /> I will mention this option to my client. The cost of a one-sided road was brought <br /> up. <br /> Mr. Greelish stated that at minimum he would want to see a covenant restrict- <br /> ing building at the rear of the lots abutting the lagoons. This could be indicated <br /> ight on the plan. On these lots the wells would be in front and septics in the <br /> rear (closest to the lagoons) . <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that if we allow wells on these lots abutting the lagoons <br /> and if the treatment plant is proposed for this area, we may have to relocate the <br /> discharge area due to one or two wells be cause of the protective radius required <br /> by DEQE. <br /> Mr. Costa stated that he would like W&S to review these plans with regard to <br /> the subregional treatment plant. He reiterated that he would like to see a land <br /> swap. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding what size buffer zone DEQE would require around <br /> the treatment plant discharge area. It was discussed that this project might be <br /> phased in and in which case the lots closest to the lagoons would be the last <br /> to be built, by which time public water should be available. <br /> Mr. Costa stated he wants to run this by W&S for their comment.We received <br /> these plans June 23, 1989 and we looked at them last week for the first time. <br /> I wish to reserve my comment until I speak to W&S. <br /> Both Mr. Costa and Mr. Greelish stated that they thought it would an easy <br /> case to convince the town' s people to approve a land swap. Mr. Fudala stated that <br /> the value difference of the land is to be considered. Mr. McQuaid will give W&W <br /> a copy of the plans tomorrow. <br />
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