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10/03/1989 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
10/03/1989 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES October 3, 1989 2 BOARD of HEALTH <br /> ,►• reviewing the joints taken near some of the fixtures that have the highest <br /> lead concentrations in the water at the first .draw, weJound thero was n <br /> lead higher then % in the coder that was analyzed,, which is allowable. The <br /> concentration of copper lead us to believe that it was a corrosive problem, <br /> the water in contact with the pipes as it sits overnight tends to leach lead <br /> from the system. The most likely spots that it appears -to be coming from is <br /> lead-free fittings and 'lead-free sod rx a .i t can contain lead, r. Scipione <br /> stated they have recommended procedures in which to protect it from corrosion; <br /> to check as to whether the e l ectr i ca'l equipment is grounded to the system:which <br /> could speed up the corrosion. <br /> . costa informed. Mr. Scipione the Electrical Inspector did inspect for <br /> this possibility, no problems were found. <br /> Mr. Scipione stated the other po s h i l i ty- i s that the, we1.1 waater om i g .i,-n <br /> is a corrosive water. <br /> r. Hall questioned Mr. Scipione as to whether they analyzed the , h. <br /> Mr. Scipione stated the ph.`s done were found to be between 6.5 to <br /> range. and commented he has requested from High Wood -.later their sample results <br /> on any work they have done for; corrosion control . - A corrosion con-troi system <br /> is aailaie .should the need arise. Mr. Scipione commented 7 is a neutral <br /> range for ph, anything below 7 is considered acidic, if the ph is to high <br /> it will form a coat on the inside of the pipes which will reduce the pipes <br /> capacity of supplying water. To install -something for corrosion control would <br /> be to keep the ph around -the neutra 1 range. <br /> 1r. Hanlon relayed that corr;osivity or corrosion potential in water in <br /> clues other things besides ph such as carbo-n dioxide, hardness etc. , as those <br /> parameters fluctuate you are going to balance out the other. <br /> r., Sc i p i ore stated the Cape does have typically corrosive water. All <br /> the ph' s analyzed were in the ' to 7 ranee and wouldn't appear that it was <br /> that corrosive a water until the other data has been reviewed, it is pos-sible <br /> the water is still corrosive. Mr. Scipione commented the high levels on the <br /> first samples seemed out of line t with ghat you would expect even from a- corro- <br /> sive water. ' ,this. point in time, we are unsure as 't the cause, ur' less there <br /> is some sort of ronaminati,onf in -the }system such as -improperly -flushed out priorto the mp'l i ng conducted by B'arh s'trab"i e County. k, <br /> Mr. Hanlon stated due. �to the fact that samplings showed both, high lead <br /> and copper Had l ..the conelusi n that �it is` a corrosion probierg. <br /> r. Greelish questioned as to whet r the distribution was correlated. <br /> 1r. Sci�.i ones e nde where the copper was high and the lead was high <br /> p p � pp <br /> there was not a great correlation between well samples. <br /> Selectmen carter questioned Mr. Scipione as to whether tests were conduct- <br /> ed outside the school , in the field, to determine how corrosive the water was.- <br /> Mr. Scipione stated his engineering firm did not perform any tests out- <br /> side the school . <br />
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