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MINUTES October 3, 1989 3 BOARD of HEALTH <br /> 4 <br /> r 4 i <br /> ff Mr. Carter questioned gthe engineers as to ' Therethey propose tne corro- <br /> sion control system. <br /> Mr. Hanlon:responded theme are two-ch is s;" if High Wood ,Water controls <br /> the corrosion problem i n the system, which h will probably not happen in the <br /> time frame that will satisfy the town, secondly the corrosion controi could <br /> be installed b the .town in the school , only for the school . <br /> , 4 L <br /> r. Greelish stated this Board has not received a copy of the samples <br /> taken at the hydrant. <br /> Mr. Scipione stated one sample was 21 the other 41 . <br /> Dr . DeMou a questioned as to whether it would be possible to isolate <br /> some fixture not normally sampled and perhaps address the ph on a small <br /> scale. <br /> Mr. Hanlon responded they did consider isolating a certain part of the <br /> school building, shutting it off from the main water feed, feeding it from <br /> a different i i rent i on or different source of water- and commented its like <br /> searching for a needle in a haystack. Mr. Hanlon stated they are -trying to <br /> look ..f r. )- a _. solution not necessarily what the problem is. <br /> Mr. Hall stated if corrosion is a problem on the cape then why aren't <br /> e seeing it at all the schools. <br /> Mr. Hanlon state based on the data available at the present time corro- <br /> sion appears to be the problem. <br /> Mr. Costa questioned Mir. Hanlon as to what it would tame to prove that. <br /> Mr. Hanlon r'ep l i ed much more testing.' <br /> Mr. Costa questioned representatives from Weston & Sampson as to whether, <br /> with more sampling, the cause can be located. <br /> Mr. Hanlon responded with enough sampling it could be traced. <br /> Selectmen car-ter stated what the town needs prior to allocating clot of <br /> money is- know the exact figures and once its completed will a determination of <br /> the cause or person be found. <br /> Mr. Hanlon stated if the town i,s contemplating litigation against someone <br /> the amount of money the investigation is going to tame is significant to prove <br /> -that case. <br /> Ms. P tt i stated the town is responsible in locating the problem. <br /> Mr. Greelish state in the ph levels found, the water technically, accord- <br /> ing to specifications may be potable however may be reactive enough to be <br /> causing the high levels. <br /> Mr. Carter commented' if the corrosion control system is installed, the <br /> costs, over a period of time, may become astronomical . <br />