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MINUTES November 9, 1989 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Greelish explained to Mr. Elliott questions were raised as to the <br /> well and septic locations on plans previously submitted. <br /> Mr. McQuaid explained he did research the locations of the wells on <br /> abutting lots, an error was found at which time Low & Weller were con- <br /> tacted. Mr. McQuaid stated revised plans were submitted delineating <br /> a well , previously omitted, within the 150' protective radius, the <br /> septic has been relocated to obtain the maximum distance possible how- <br /> ever a variance is still required. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated he would recommend approval of the variance how- <br /> ever is concerned with the inaccuracy of well locations by the engi- <br /> neers. <br /> Mr. Doherty recommended this issue be discussed when all Board members <br /> are in attendance. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the variances from local Board of Health <br /> requirements between well and septic as requested, Mr. Greelish sec- <br /> onded. <br /> 13. ) Variance request, Arrow for J. Hoffman, 178 Gleneagle Drive - Mr. <br /> McQuaid informed the Board the original septic system was designed for <br /> a three bedroom dwelling. The existing system was constructed prior <br /> to Title V requirements, however a 1000 gallon tank is in place with <br /> one cesspool as an overflow. Mr. McQuaid relayed the owners are pro- <br /> posing an additional bedroom and are upgrading the system to Title V. <br /> Additional proposals are to relocate the tank and install a septic <br /> pit. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to deny the variance request, Mr. Greelish sec- <br /> onded. <br /> 14. ) Revised plans, A. Ferragamo from D. Mitrokostas, Route 151 Commercial <br /> building - Mr. Ferragamo was in attendance for discussion. <br /> Mr. McQuaid informed the board Mr. Mitrokostas has relocated the well <br /> as recommended. Owners have agreed to withold construction within the <br /> dotted line delineated on revised plans until public water is supplied. <br /> Catch basins have been redesigned , Tees have been increased and lowered <br /> in the catch basins to increase the catch of oil and gas. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed he has reviewed the septic design and recommends <br /> approval however would like a stipulation on the septic permit stating <br /> issuance does not imply that the Board of Health will sign-off on an <br /> occupancy permit. <br /> Board members were in agreeance. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Ellis & Thulin - Title V Variance - 8 Capstant Circle <br /> Mr. David Thulin was in attendance for this variance request. <br /> Mr. Thulin explained the owner is proposing renovations with an upgrade <br /> to the existing septic system which currently has a 1000 gallon tank with a <br /> leach pit. <br />