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<br />Mashpee Waterways Commission <br />Minutes of the October 9th, 2012 Meeting <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ken Bates at 0901 AM Meeting Room #3, <br />Mashpee Town Hall. <br /> <br />Present were: Ken Bates, Steve Pinard, Al Wickel, Paul Zammito, Bill Taylor and Stephen Mone <br />Absent: Tim Leedham <br />Also Present: Rick York and Mashpee DPW Director Catherine Laurent <br /> <br />Voted unanimous approval of minutes of September 11th, 2012 meeting. Motion by Steve <br />Pinard, second by Bill Taylor. <br /> <br />Correspondence- <br />BSC shore-bird monitoring report for the Popponesset Spit April through September 2012 <br />BSC Group wash-over #4 sand-fencing proposal. Report included photos of amount of traffic in <br />th <br />area enjoyed by boaters over the July 4 weekend. <br /> <br />Committee Reports: <br />Harbormaster Report: Stephen Mone advised that aids to Navigation have been damaged <br />from age and use, and many need replacement. Seasonal replacement of Aids to Navigation with <br />winter sticks shall commence shortly. He also discussed the proposed channel for suggested boat <br />travel through Ockway Bay. His concern for liability was discussed. He expressed concern for a <br />boat having trouble navigating the waters due to the shallow depths. It was pointed out that <br />navigational charts would clarify water depths and boaters were responsible for their own safe <br />navigation. It is hoped that continued use in the same areas of travel might improve the shallow <br />waters ability for navigation until we could devise a plan that would improve these waters for <br />navigation. The same challenge for disposal of the sediment exists as the fine sediment was not <br />permitted for beach nourishment said Chairman Bates. <br />Shellfish Report: Shellfish Constable Rick York reported the oyster season begins again <br />this year on November 1st and a good crop is expected. He estimated that 30 bushels of bay <br />scallops had been harvested by weeks end in Waquoit Bay. He mentioned that we have 300,000 <br />seed purchased and they are growing good. He will delay release until after the winter ducks have <br />left the area in the spring. Rick York also mentioned that he was present for the maintenance <br />inspection of the Solarbee motorized water cleaners on Santuit Pond, showed no apparent issues. <br />Mashpee-Wakeby: Bill Taylor reported it is very quiet. <br />Waquoit Bay: Al Wickel reported he had seen several fishermen looking for scallops as <br />late as this past weekend with only a dozen or so scallops harvested. Ken Bates he has been out <br />fishing and reported multiple boats were out clamming but it has been very quiet. <br />Popponesset Bay: Ken reported that all is quiet. <br />Water Quality Test Program: Steve Pinard has sent out a letter of thanks to all volunteers. <br />Steve also noted that despite the successes of this year, there is still a real need for more boat <br />captains and more volunteers. <br />Sewer Commission: Nothing to report <br />Barnstable County Coastal Resources Update: Al Wickel reported on the BCCRC <br />th <br />meeting that took place October 4. Dr Kathryn Ford discussed the Time-of-year (TOY) <br />restrictions and the factors the influence the decisions that limit our dredging activities. Long <br />shore Sediment Transport Study of Cape Cod was explained by Greg Berman, a Coastal <br />Processes Specialist. Sea-level rise and various types of erosion may have an effect as it is applies <br />to several Towns wishing to dredge and widen harbor and embayment entries to help improve <br />flushing and Nitrogen mitigation efforts. Aquaculture Research Corporation, Inc of Dennis is still <br /> <br />