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08/02/1978 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
Town Clerk
08/02/1978 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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Continued Meeting
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpce <br /> Minutes of the <br /> Heeting, of the <br /> Planning Board <br /> DATE-. August 2, 1978 <br /> TIME: 8s00 poi. <br /> This was a joint meeting of the Planning 3oard, j,zith the Board of Selectmen, <br /> Chief of Police, Conservation Commission, Board of .Health, Board of Appeals, Dark <br /> and Recreation, Assessors, South Cape Beach Advisory Committee and the Highway De- <br /> partment. Present .for all or part of the meeting were . C�iairman Thomas Bourgeois, <br /> Selectmen Chairman George '3enway, Police Chief David. O'Connor, B. Jean Thomas, <br /> Chairperson Pauline DeL ory,9 Robert DeLory, Charles Lawrence, prank Leonardi, George <br /> Green, Fr atricia Green, Donald Blakeman, Nancy Blakeman and Harold Collins. <br /> Mr. Bourgeois opened the nee-Ling, by saying that the subject of changes in the <br /> Town Zoning Bylaws had been hashed over for about two gears and that the time seems <br /> right to at Least talk and discuss it, adding that Chapter 808 and the Mood Plain <br /> had been squared away. He is looking for some direction in Which the town might <br /> want to go and is interested in input from other than the Planning Board. He said <br /> that at last month's meeting, the Planning Board had discussed a :Lot of things, in- <br /> eluding the bike trails that Jerry DePalma presented, as well as talking about lot <br /> siv,es and problems with traffic, varying sizes on frontage and getting less tar. <br /> He .further said that one aspect he had mentioned Tias that right now the whole <br /> story on the Gape is that people are all congregating on the water, mentioning the <br /> potential problems that have been brought up in water studies of too much popula- <br /> tion near the ocean. This is going to change and people are going to have to go > <br /> inward. He said that a lot of people don't know about the lakes of the town <br /> there are miles of prime land here on the Cape and in Magbpee. He said that <br /> changing lot sizes wouldn't change anything on the ocean today, but 20 years down <br /> the line it could. He recommends increasing the lot sizes to a set amount on the <br /> ocean and the lakes. <br /> Mrs. DeLory said that if the Wetlands Act is carried out, people may not build <br /> within 100' of the mean high water mark. - there's a new law that has been amended, <br /> Mr. Benway said that he could see a definite problem with that, in that there are <br /> many lots that are buildable at the present time, but could not be built upon if the <br /> house has to be 1001 back from mean high water and meet the frontage setback re- <br /> quirements. He said that someone could own a lot on the water that is buildable <br /> and could sell it for $50,000, but with the changes, it would now be worth zero. <br /> Mrs. DeLory said that there would be another problem with septic systems and the <br /> water table. <br /> Mr. Bourgeois said that even though we grand-fathered in these lots' can they <br /> be changed by a variance from the Board of Appeals, or is it pretty st'rict. Mr® <br /> Benway said that the town is going to suffer tax cerise. It was asked if existing <br /> lots might be covered by the existing law and Mrs. DeLory reiterated that Wetlands <br /> says that nothing shall be built within 100' of mean high Crater a it's in the Wet- <br /> lands Act now but it is not enforced, <br />
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