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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpce <br /> Mr. Bourgeois said that every lot that came under the last set of Zoning <br /> Bylaws that they established had been grandfathered to protect property rights® <br /> He asked how the 100E ruling would affect that and was told that whatever comes <br /> down from the state will eventually overrule anything that we could come up with. <br /> Mr. Benuray said that there has to he a grandfather provision or there will <br /> be a court case. he said that .you would be taking a person's rights away With <br /> no compensation -y it's not constitutional. ':=Tr. Lawrence said that they might <br /> make provisions for compensation in the law. Piro Benway said that what the state <br /> is telling us is the town should enforce it then you're holding the bag. <br /> Mrs Bourgeois mentioned that included in all that is the tax base - commer- <br /> cial or residential. if sore of the undeveloped land is taxed too high, it will <br /> force them to develop. Per. nenway said that the Board of Selectmen has discussed <br /> it from tame to time and there are two or three elements to there as a Board that <br /> they are in agreement on. Because of the long-range problems that the torn is <br /> facing as to f uture sewerage and future water systems, etc., they would like to <br /> see the half-acre changed to a figure of an acre and a half. They have also <br /> discussed the .role of the Board of Appeals as it is in zoning and as to the differ- <br /> ences between business and industrially zoned lands. <br /> The Selectmen feel that some study should be made with an eye toward being <br /> able to use industrial for some limited business and possibly vice versa, adding <br /> that, as everybody knows, we have very limited business and industrial in town <br /> anyvray. He further said that they are aware that the minute it gets out that <br /> we're going to rezone or do something with undeveloped land, they will all be <br /> trying to get their plans in. <br /> fir. Benway also said that some time should be given to discuss the sug- <br /> gestions and that another meeting could be held very soon on a two-year nora- <br /> torium on future subdivision plans and the only way we can do it is to have a <br /> hearing first and then have a special town meeting in September. He said that <br /> at least we'd have two years to go through the thing and do the best job we can. <br /> He said it should be put to the town for a vote based on studies and everything <br /> else. <br /> Mrs Bourgeois said that everything prior to the suit trill still be able to <br /> be dealt with. Mr. Benway mentioned that about 70�, of the town still has not gone <br /> through subdivision control - from a ti n-acre parcel to a 2-acre parcel - it would <br /> be frozen for a two-year period. A person could build on it, but not be able to <br /> subdivide until the new rules and regulations are submitted and approved by Town <br /> Meeting. <br /> Mr. Lawrence said, in essence, that the Board of Health wants the creation of <br /> a well field, toi�,n water within the location of the Totrn Forest at Wickham. Swamp, <br /> mentioning that the southeast perimeter of John's Pond and United Church Village <br /> ,,,could all come tinder your water sources; recommending at least an acre on the zon- <br /> ing per lot; treatne;nt to be proposed in cluster zoning; Board of health wants <br /> their own treatment plants for condominiums, to be required of developers of condo- <br /> miniums; the use of septic systems would provide treatment before discharge to the <br /> ground; and recommends that Wickham Swamp be set aside and protected as soon as <br /> possible. <br /> Yx. DeLory said that we do have plenty of parcels in that area, some owners <br /> 2 <br />