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08/02/1978 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
Town Clerk
08/02/1978 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> unknown town is in the process of -takingthen. Mra Lawrence said that we are <br /> having problems in this town with developers with storm drains and also mentioned <br /> pollution into septic systems. Air. Bourgeois asked what kind of authority Mr. <br /> Lawrence has to go in there and change some of the systems and Per. Lawrence said <br /> that under Tifl_e ,, as much as you can do, lie said that if an existing system <br /> breaks down, you can make corrections. Ile said that if we don't start right now <br /> getting a Flan for the new systems and putting it in forces from the Planning <br /> Hoard on down to the Hoard of Health, then we 're going to be in trouble. <br /> Mrs. DeLory suggested that Conservation can come into that, especially with <br /> Wetlands. Tor, Lawrence said that some people in town should be posted right now. <br /> Mr. Bourgeois asked where his authority is and Mr. Lawrence said that it's there <br /> and you just have to go down and do it. Ile also said that as of Monday, there <br /> might be three or four closed dorm on John's Pond w it was unanimously voted to- <br /> day. He also said that the Board of Health iE going to start getting tougher; <br /> they're finding a lot of people drilling without permits. Mr. Lawrence is look- <br /> ing for support from the Planning Board - they need some backing. The Board of <br /> Health needs to know what Planning is going to do to help health. He added that <br /> -nobody comprehends the Flood Plain Zoning, especially with septage systems. <br /> Mr. Bourgeois asked. if Health had submitted the bylaw that HUD was looking <br /> for and I'Ir. Lawrence answered in the affirmative and Mr. Bourgeois said that the <br /> Board of Health had ratified what HUD was saying. Mr. Lawrence said that 'Vrtth <br /> the Flood Plain, nobody can get into it and discuss it because no one knows the <br /> whole scope of it. <br /> Mr. DeLory said that he saw some girls surveying in South Cape Beach Estates <br /> and Great Oak Road for some electrical firm. He also said that it will be tough <br /> on assessing as buildable house lots e it can be changed by the Board of Appeals. <br /> Mr. Bourgeois said that the Planning Board had talked about {rater problems <br /> and we could probably head off all of these problems in the future with town water. <br /> Ile asked if there were any other suggestions and 3,Irs. DeLory said that she wants <br /> the lots bigger than one acre. Mr. Bourgeois said that he didn't think the pro- <br /> blem is going to be in the form of septic overpopulation -- there will be some <br /> socioeconomic problems. Some people won't be able to afford over an acre. Mrs. <br /> DeLory said that you won't be able to drink the water and Mr. Bourgeois asked what <br /> can be done to alleviate the condition, <br /> Mrs. DeLory asked if the Planning Board has any news about septics being con- <br /> tained in waterproof steel containers and it was said that it hasn't come down <br /> from the state .yet. It was said that as far as flood plain is concerned, people <br /> in Falmouth have to have the water-proof containers. Mr. Bourgeois said that this <br /> is what he was told they're looking for - complete septic system that is leak-proof, <br /> with a check valve. <br /> Ifir. Lawrence said that everybody along the eater doesn't have them -- that they <br /> are costly. The authorities want them topped, off. He also said that maybe this is <br /> a godsend to the town and we will keep the builders out. Mr. Bourgeois said that <br /> the water -is already developed and you're not going to keep somebody from coming <br /> in -- the flood plain protects it. The horses in the flood plain now don't have to <br /> buy Flood insurance. It was mentioned that in the Town of Hull about five families <br /> took out insurance for $25.00 and the rest of the town was wiped out. Yfr, Bourgeois <br /> said that in Essence that was what has been taken care of with the flood plain. He <br /> 3 0 <br />
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