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<br /> Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />Sheriff Buckley, along with a Senator and Representative. It will be held this Thursday from <br />10:00a.m-12:00p.m. Chair sent an invite to the Chief of Police, Select Board, and the Chair of <br />the Human Services Committee, Lynne Barbee. <br /> <br />The Brazilian Resource Center suffered a serious fire and is in need of supplies. <br /> <br />Mashpee High School Human Rights Club/ Who We Are book project <br />Who We Are is expanding into a book where each immigrant will be featured with a photo, bio, <br />and recipe. There are issues with the releases, some of the featured families are not willing to <br />sign due to fear. Chair Stevenson is hopeful there will be a resolve. <br /> <br />Ms. Stevenson would like to have two students in line to be initiated into the Committee. She <br />will reach out to the current student representatives to help find new students. <br /> <br />Column <br />Chair Stevenson met with the editor about going forward with a monthly column. DEI is being <br />weaponized and eliminated across educational platforms and corporations. We need to <br />maintain our presence in the media. <br /> <br />The Chair would like members of the community to write about how inclusion and diversity has <br />affected them on a deep personal level, and the impact it had on their lives. Some topics may <br />include special education, women’s rights, LGBTQ community, race, immigrants, food <br />insecurities, etc. <br /> <br />Hope Hanscom discussed the concept of being economically disadvantaged, she even offered <br />herself as a contributor for an article. This is also a great way to connect people with <br />community resources and services they may not know exist. For example, Cape Kids Meals <br />out of Osterville provides children in need with food every Friday for the weekends. After every <br />article it could say, “Do you have a story to share?” with an e-mail address for submissions or <br />inquiries. <br /> <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />Brochure Revision <br />The subgroup met and each took sections to revise. The background color will be changed <br />from blue to white for readability. There will be at least one more session, but they need to <br />compile a list of current phone numbers and resources. Mr. Klein would like to input food <br />pantries. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />