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<br /> Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />Increasing our Visibility through Community Events <br />Chair Stevenson is working on getting a master list of activities across Town where the MIDC <br />could have a table/presence. Some of these include Senior Center activities, Mashpee Night <br />Out, and Mashpee Rec. Department. This is a start. <br /> <br />Status of School Committee Joint Meeting <br />Chair Stevenson has nothing to update. She provided a date; they are busy with the <br />Superintendent interviews. <br /> <br />Mr. Kupferman noticed when he was looking at the Plymouth No Place for Hate website for the <br />survey, they are heavily involved with the community, host a lot of events, and have a large <br />presence. They have a deeper history and a larger budget. When we conduct the survey, if we <br />are asking for feedback, and don’t have any follow-up, then we will have wasted everyone’s <br />time. We must be prepared to act on the response. It would be nice to be able to do more for <br />the Town. This opportunity with the School Committee could be a way to create something <br />deeper. It may have gotten off to a bad start, but there is good to come of this. <br /> <br />Race Amity Day Planning <br />They plan on inviting some of the same performers and a few speakers. There is a new <br />speaker of the Baha’i who is a pastor and professor. Mr. Kupferman would like to ask the Town <br />Manager or a Select Board member to speak. Ms. Stevenson suggested Michaela Wyman- <br />Colombo. They also want to look into getting some food sponsored. <br /> <br />Rold Brandt contacted the Crocodile River Band, they priced out the full 8-member band at <br />$2,500. If MIDC can get half, the band will match half. Half of the band, 3-4 members, costs <br />$1,250, MIDC would pay $625, and they would match half. Mr. Brandt inquired if there was a <br />way to have the band sponsored. <br /> <br />Chair is going to have a meeting with the new head of the Chamber of Commerce in Mashpee. <br /> <br />Community Advisory Group <br />Tabled. <br /> <br />Committee Membership Update <br />Ms. Hanscom will be starting her new job before the next meeting, this is her last meeting. <br /> <br />Forum on Bullying <br />Tabled. There is a request for us to do something with social media. <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />