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The reality of the market should be recognized into the Study. <br /> (The Town Planner, Thomas Fudala, arrived at the Meeting at <br /> this point, 5 : 50 p.m. ) <br /> Mr. Storrs pointed out two amenities of the proposed plan <br /> being the form of residential neighborhood, and the conveniences <br /> and opportunities of living within walking distance to Mashpee <br /> Commons center. <br /> Mr. Whritenour referred to the absorption rate of the <br /> overall project, thirty-three (33) units per year. He suggested <br /> review and approval of portions of the plan rather than approving <br /> the major development of five hundred (500) units . <br /> Selectman Marsters asked the Developer if he is <br /> contemplating an age restriction on the units. To which Mr. <br /> Storrs answered, "No" . He did suggest however, review of the <br /> demographic profile of the initial fifty (50) occupants in order <br /> to determine the number of school age children in residence. The <br /> Town Planner pointed out the ten (10%-) percent mandatory <br /> affordable housing requirement, Cape Cod Commission, has to be <br /> addressed. <br /> Selectman Dinizio clarified his position that the Town <br /> should not assume all of the risk factors in order to assure <br /> flexibility to the Developer. Mr. Storrs asked if the checks and <br /> balances mechanism, as discussed, would address this concern. <br /> Mr. Brais inquired as to how the Developer would respond <br /> to a situation whereby the single-family homes were purchased by <br /> families with many children; what would govern the review with <br /> regard to fiscal impact. Mr. Storrs answered that a review <br /> mechanism could be factored into the Special Permit process, <br /> imposing a fiscal impact tax, if necessary. The commercial <br /> impact will counter the residential . <br /> Selectman Dinizio asked what is currently permitted on <br /> Whitings Road, behind the church. Mr. Storrs responded, <br /> "Nothing" . Selectman Dinizio further questioned why the Town <br /> would benefit by tripling the density of residential, from <br /> twenty-five (25) to eighty-five (85) units; and would there be a <br /> negative effect to the development if the current density remains <br /> as it is . Mr. Storrs answered "Yes" ; there is a mix of unit <br /> type/owners within walking distance of the center. <br /> Selectman Dinizio stated the concepts of mixed use and <br /> density are separate. He suggested this issue be discussed <br /> further. <br /> Selectman Marsters addressed a comment made by Mr. Storrs, <br /> by stating a Three Hundred Eighty-Seven Thousand ($387, 000 . 00) <br /> Dollar property finances one child attending school in Mashpee. <br /> -4- <br />