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Mr. Brais commented that if the selling prices are not <br /> achieved, the fiscal impact will be negative. (There was some <br /> discussion regarding selling prices . ) <br /> Mr. Storrs stated the time frame from which different unit <br /> types are built will be a function of the type of unit built . <br /> Mr. Whritenour made reference to Table 8, Page 5, of the Study. <br /> Selectman Marsters inquired if the Town of Mashpee has a By- <br /> law allowing apartments to be built. The Town Manager answered, <br /> "No" , "with the exception of OSID" . He further point out the vast <br /> majority of the apartment units are already permitted, being the <br /> one hundred (100) second-door units . <br /> Mr. Brais stated the proposed building is being analyzed, <br /> not the existing commercial . Selectman Dinizio suggested one <br /> scenario indicating the existing Mashpee Commons retail be <br /> excluded from the equation. (It was agreed that three scenarios <br /> should be presented; existing, previously permitted, and <br /> proposed. ) He stated he does not want what is currently built in <br /> Mashpee Commons used to subsidize the new housing being proposed. <br /> He also suggested the concerns of this Committee be incorporated <br /> into the Burchill-Listiken Study. <br /> Mr. Storrs suggested inviting representatives of Burchill- <br /> Listiken to the next meeting expressly for this purpose. <br /> Mr. Brais commented this Study did not fully meet <br /> demographic study expectations, because some of the concerns had <br /> not been defined. He suggested the Committee present individual <br /> down-side fiscal impact scenarios, accompanied by a logical <br /> explanation thereof. An accurate profile of the market within the <br /> Town, to become part of the public record for the project would <br /> also be very helpful . <br /> Mr. Storrs expressed concern/reservation about a <br /> presentation based upon history; this being a new product. Mr. <br /> Brais stated the need for evidence to establish a down-side <br /> scenario for the Town. Mr. Storrs agreed. Mr. Storrs then <br /> requested Mr. Brais to submit said concerns in writing for <br /> presentation to Zimmerman-Volk for their response. Selectman <br /> Dinizio requested permission to speak directly with Lori Volk. <br /> Mr. Storrs encouraged Committee Members/Advisors to do so. <br /> The Committee made a determination to meet next on Tuesday, <br /> October 7, 1997, at 4 : 30 p.m. , at Mashpee Town Hall . <br /> MOTION: Selectman Dinizio made a Motion to adjourn the <br /> Meeting; which Motion was duly seconded and so voted unanimously. <br /> -5- <br />