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7 . Being a team player, but not being undercut. Looking <br /> at other department' s budgets; that the library's <br /> budget is in proprtion to other town departments . <br /> You are not taking a cut that is way out of line with <br /> other departments. <br /> 8. Being political : Getting to know town officials . <br /> Showing what the library is doing. <br /> I <br /> 9 . Automation; Do a comparison of what you are look- <br /> ing for vs what the town has spent on automation. <br /> What we are looking for is just a small portion of <br /> that. <br /> 10 . You might want to offer a prize to the elected <br /> official who has done the most for the library with- <br /> in the year. <br /> Mr. Newell spoke on the budget aspect: preparing a line-item <br /> budget and suggested that your first budget is not going to be <br /> your final budget. That you list the budget that you prepared <br /> and you do a narrative of why you changed something. He sug- <br /> gested, if possible, you do it on a computer spread sheet, <br /> because it is much easier to make changes. Presentation is very <br /> important. If it looks good, it might not help you, but it won't <br /> hurt you. A fact sheet should be included, telling something <br /> about the items that you are asking for. Prepare a lot of facts <br /> in advance , circulation and percentage of increase. Compare to <br /> other departments. Compare with other towns of similar size and <br /> make-up. Compare what your library is getting compared to what <br /> those libraries are getting. You cannot imagine a community <br /> where the library is not valued as a community asset - and it is <br /> up to the librarians and trustees to make the public aware of the <br /> investment that they have here, both for adult education and <br /> children' s education, for pre-school enrichment, and to make <br /> them aware that it needs to be preserved. <br /> It was a very worthwhile experience and very relevant. <br /> B. November Informational Breakfast: Thursday, November 15th, <br /> 10 a. m. Invite town officials, Fin--Com, anyone who is interested <br /> to talk about automation; let them know what it is all about. <br /> CLAMS will be present at this meeting who can answer any technical <br /> questions. They may be transported, or transport themselves to <br /> a demonstration at the Cotuit Library of what this computer sys- <br /> tem is all about and what it can do for them. O. Robertson will <br /> check into cost of rental of a mini school bus to transport the <br /> people to the Cotuit Library for the demonstration. G. Selander <br /> suggested that perhaps the cost of the bus could be taken care <br /> of by the Friends. <br /> H. DeFoe suggested we have formal invitations printed. The mem- <br /> bers were in agreement. G. Selander and M. Fordham volunteered <br /> to help with the preparation of a mailing list for invitations. <br /> It was suggested that the invitations be followed up with a phone <br /> call. <br /> I <br />