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30ARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES - 2 - NOVEMBER 13, 1990 <br /> III REPORTS : (Continued) <br /> C. MLTA Conference : (Continued) Ondrea stated that at the <br /> meeting, one of the workshops was on open-meeting room <br /> policies. Neither she nor Helene opted to attend that <br /> workshop since there were others of greater interest. <br /> Ann Haddad did attend that workshop and has invited <br /> Helene and Ondrea to review what she had learned at the <br /> meeting. There are a couple of items in our meeting- <br /> room policy that are novy considered to be illegal, there- <br /> fore we need to start making changes. <br /> Helene summarized that, just as we find in the library, <br /> that you cannot go it alone, we need people to show us <br /> what is happening elsewhere, ways to do it better, or do <br /> it differently. Ondrea and Helene agreed it was a very <br /> worth-while conference, one of the best they have attended. <br /> D. Informational Breakfast Plans : Helene reported that every- <br /> one has been invited. Some follow-up phone calls have been <br /> made . A decent showing is expected. The network coordin- <br /> ator from CLAMS will be present to answer questions. <br /> Greg Masterson, treasurer of CLAMS will be available to <br /> talk to attendees, answer questions. Ann Haddad, the dir- <br /> ector from Falmouth (a sub-regional library) will be present <br /> to answer questions relative to why we cannot be our own <br /> little island, and why it is important that we be part of <br /> the larger picture. <br /> Helene has prepared a few facts on the size of our collec- <br /> tion, the worth of our collection. She will do some com- <br /> parisons to the tax-collector's office (the fact that they <br /> are automated and sending out a certain volume of mater- <br /> ials, and we are trying to handle a larger volume of mater- <br /> ials manually) . Hopefully, that will be an eye-opener. <br /> Ondrea plans to discuss inter-library loan, the kind of <br /> materials that are requested, the volumes, and the time- <br /> element involved to fulfill those requests . It would be <br /> so much easier on CLAMS . <br /> Arrangements have been made to go to Cotuit for a demon- <br /> stration of how the system works. The Friends have very <br /> nicely paid the expense of the invitations and the bus <br /> transportation for the attendees . <br /> It was agreed that this should be a very interesting pre- <br /> sentation. There has been very positive feed-back from <br /> the library community, the selectmen and the finance <br /> committee. <br />