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but would include a note thanking the Committee for their involvement in the <br /> production of the book. <br /> Tom is scheduled to meet with the Selectmen at their June 6 meeting at 6:45 P.M. <br /> and will discuss the guide book with them at that time. <br /> BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT <br /> The Committee discussed the five entrances to town which would be landscaped. <br /> Thomas S. Cahir, Chairman of the Committee on Counties, has contacted Mr. <br /> Bernard McCourt, District Highway Director, Massachusetts Highway Department, <br /> upon the request of the Mashpee.Economic Development Committee for <br /> permission to landscape the entrance on Rt. 28 which falls under that jurisdiction. <br /> (Letter attached) Tom told the Committee that he didn't expect any resistance from <br /> the state highway department to creating the garden on Rt. 28. Tom will discuss the <br /> gardens with the Selectmen at their next scheduled meeting and will request funds <br /> for the gardens then. <br /> Nelson asked about cost of signs for the gardens at all entrances to the town, both <br /> incoming and outgoing, which would involve 10 gardens and 10 signs. Committee <br /> decided that if the costs were too high they would consider planting gardens on only <br /> one side (five gardens) of the road (incoming). <br /> Sid asked about maintenance and felt that upkeep of the gardens would be an <br /> important issue. The Committee discussed the Adopt a Highway program and <br /> possibly asking the D.P.W. to donate their time for pruning and mowing, etc. The <br /> Committee asked Tom to find out if the Selectmen will fund the upkeep of the <br /> gardens when he attends the meeting on June 6. <br /> The Committee discussed advertising for bidders interested in creating these <br /> gardens. It was mentioned that any project over $500 would automatically go to bid <br /> and that the gardens would likely go through this process. The Committee would <br /> like to award the bid to a local (Mashpee) landscaper if possible. Tom will talk to Bob <br /> 4 <br />