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continue on as an alternate. Nelson Andrews is continuing as an alternate. Sid and <br /> Tom will remain as full-time members, the new members will be full-time and any <br /> additional members will be alternates. <br /> GARDEN PROJECT <br /> Tom showed committee members the diagram of the proposed gardens that will be <br /> implemented at the request of-the Mashpee EDC. The DPW has volunteered to do <br /> the planting of the gardens in the fall and Tom is getting wholesale quotes for the <br /> plants. He explained that once the quotes are in the money can be drawn in the fall. <br /> Tom met with the Beautification Committee and also spoke with Mary LeBlanc, a <br /> landscape architect, and got information on selecting bulbs and flowers. Selectmen <br /> have approved the welcome sign size and seal recommended by the EDC. Members <br /> discussed color schemes and size of welcome sign. Tom spoke with Richard Pawlik, <br /> who designed the Mashpee Fire and Police signs, and others, giving them <br /> specifications. Bids for 2' x 3' with 4' x 4' posts of pressure treated wood for the <br /> welcome sign and town seal and a less expensive design using medium grade <br /> plywood with four coats of paint are being considered. Sid suggested that the EDC <br /> talk with the Design Review Committee. <br /> The Committee talked about using this year's budget to pay for the gardens. In order <br /> to do this the price, vendor choice, concept, size and feedback from the Design <br /> Review Committee must be done by the 30th of June, otherwise the funds revert <br /> back to the general account on July 1, 1994. (It was noted that the EDC will have a <br /> smaller budget for fiscal 1995.) <br /> Ted feels.color scheme is important for signs. Nelson feels size of welcome sign is <br /> important. Sid wondered if present design of welcome sign is large enough. Jamie <br /> suggested that if the right colors are used it will stand out fine. Sid suggested the <br /> EDC get feedback from the Design Review Committee. <br /> GRANTS FUNDS <br /> Bob Whritenour is researching grants for-the next fiscal year which would benefit <br /> the EDC. Nelson suggested that if funds are realized from grants then the EDC <br /> 2 <br />