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might consider hiring a full-time person. <br /> INDUSTRIAL PARK <br /> Tom got a call from Jeff Ferman at Northland Real Estate, who represents Bank of <br /> Boston, current owners of the Mashpee Industrial Park. Mr. Ferman was interested <br /> in the EDC's views on the Industrial Park and whether the Town of Mashpee would <br /> be interested in purchasing the property. Because this is a water protection district, <br /> development of this property may not be a good venture. Sid commented that <br /> Bank of Boston is interested in moving this out of their "bad debts" and make it a <br /> profitable venture. He says he has been in favor of considering getting involved in <br /> purchasing the land and would welcome a meeting to discuss pros and cons. <br /> Sid mentioned that at a business meeting he attended he talked with Mayor Collins, <br /> who now lives in Falmouth and is on the Falmouth Industrial Commission, and <br /> asked him if he thought the EDC should consider purchasing this land. Mr. Collins <br /> thinks there are disadvantages and would be delighted to come to one of the EDC <br /> meetings to discuss pros and cons which Sid feels the EDC should consider. <br /> Mr. Fudala wanted to lift the water restrictions at a prior town meeting but the <br /> Water District rejected. They will make a decision about lifting the restrictions by <br /> the fall of 1994. <br /> Tom would like to explore not owning but having involvement with business <br /> development on this property. <br /> ECO MEETING IN FALMOUTH <br /> The Committee discussed a special EOC meeting coming up on Thursday, June 16 <br /> in Falmouth on plans and procedures for local partnerships for Cape Cod and the <br /> Islands. No one on the EDC was available to attend this meeting. The EDC talked <br /> about asking Lori Donovan, the coordinator position candidate, if she would be able <br /> to attend this meeting on a voluntary basis. The applicants for the coordinator <br /> position offered by the EDC will go through the Personnel Board Review <br /> Committee and will not be hired in time to attend this meeting. <br /> 3 <br />