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NEW COMPUTER <br /> Tom told the committee about the recently-purchased computer and how it will <br /> allow the EDC to have a database available in the town with such information as <br /> positions available by employers and locations available for business in Mashpee. <br /> For example, if these businesses are looking for 600 or 6000 sq ft., once its in the <br /> computer it can be pulled up in a matter of seconds. Other technology such as <br /> scanners can be implemented as well. <br /> Paul inquired about what software the EDC was getting with the new computer and <br /> offered suggestions about what packages would be beneficial. Because the <br /> Selectmen's Office has a Macintosh System the EDC has chosen to coordinate <br /> computers and printers with their office. Jamie suggested the EDC consider <br /> purchasing FILEN AIER and Paul talked about FAXPRO. Sid asked about graphics <br /> and Paul told him that the Macintosh was a good system for graphics production. <br /> CHANGES TO GUIDEBOOK <br /> Jamie noted that some of the projected figures relating to Mashpee demographics <br /> being published in the guide book needed to be corrected. <br /> Sid asked if the traffic counts need to be updated for the guide book. Committee <br /> decided it wasn't necessary or practical to make any more changes in the guide book <br /> this close to publication. <br /> Lujean Printing, in Cotuit, came in with the best price and will be printing the guide <br /> book. <br /> Paul will make the changes of the demographic information for the guide book as <br /> soon as possible and will mail to Tom. <br /> ECONOMIC TARGET AREA <br /> Ted mentioned the application being filed to get the state to designate Cape Cod as ' <br /> an "economic target area" and asked if the Selectmen have sent a letter in support of <br /> 4 <br />