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these efforts because the final date for this is July 1. He mentioned that there are 20 <br /> target areas that can be accepted and that 15 have already been selected. Ted felt that <br /> Ile Mashpee might benefit from tax incentives provided by the state if the Cape is <br /> selected.. <br /> Steve asked about incentives offered now by the town, if there were any. Tom <br /> answered that it's very limited because it comes out of Mashpee's "pocket." The <br /> target areas would get tax incentives provided by the state. <br /> Sid said he would follow up on this and discern whether or not the Selectmen had <br /> adopted a resolution that supports the Economic Development Council's efforts. <br /> BANKER & TRADESMEN NEWSPAPER AD <br /> Jamie suggested the committee run an ad in Banker & Tradesmen newspaper <br /> promoting the work of the EDC. The committee voted to use the same ad they <br /> submitted to the Chamber of Commerce publication. Jamie explained that the <br /> newspaper's function is to publish real estate transactions but it uses "filler" for <br /> other sections of the paper. He felt is was a cost effective way to run an ad ($310.00). <br /> A motion was made to put an ad in this newspaper and the committee voted to do <br /> so. Paul will also drop of a corrected copy of the Chamber of Commerce ad for the <br /> newspaper at Jamie's office. <br /> VISITOR TO MEETING <br /> Brad Caffyn came to this meeting to present information to the EDC about a video <br /> he viewed on a television station in Wyoming and suggested the EDC look into <br /> preparing a video about the town of Mashpee to be shown on the cable station. Tom <br /> thanked Brad and told him the Committee would discuss this when they meet to <br /> establish their 1995 goals. <br /> MINUTES OF MAY'24 AND MARCH 22 <br /> Minutes of May 24th were approved with two minor corrections. Sid wants copies <br /> 5 <br /> I <br />