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I <br /> EDC COORDINATOR POSITION <br /> Ted wanted to know which newspapers had published the ad for the EDC <br /> coordinator position. Sid told him it had been submitted to the Enterprise and was <br /> broadcast on the public television channel. Two applicants have submitted resumes <br /> (Mr. Al Polsi and Nis. Lori Donovan). <br /> STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES <br /> It was established that if a vote needs to be taken, and any of the 5 current <br /> permanent members of the EDC are absent from a meeting, that 2 senior alternate <br /> members (by appointment) in attendance be asked to vote, having 5 as the <br /> maximum vote on any issue. Paul recommended that this item be tabled for a vote <br /> at a future meeting when all members are present. <br /> Sid proposed that any fixture volunteer applicants for an alternate position for this <br /> committee be interview by the EDC. For any future employee position, the process <br /> would involve this committee, Mr. Whritenour, and the Personnel Director of the <br /> town. If the time isn't convenient for the entire EDC to meet, a subcommittee of <br /> one or more can be appointed. <br /> APPOINTMENT PROCESS AND DISTRIBUTION OF RESUMES <br /> The application and resume for Albert Polsi, an applicant for the coordinator <br /> position, have been received. Sid did not want the resume circulated among <br /> committee members. Paul proposed that all members of this committee have a <br /> copy of the applicant's resumes. Ted told the committee that if the EDC will be <br /> interviewing applicants it would be essential to have an advance copy of a resume. <br /> (Mr. Polsi's resume was not distributed and this matter will be.discussed further at <br /> the next meeting.) <br /> 3 <br />