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ALTERNATE POSITION APPLICANTS <br /> Ted recommended that previous applicants who have volunteered for membership <br /> on this committee be invited to attend some of the EDC meetings. He suggested that <br /> this committee needs transition and continuity and if someone has expressed an <br /> interest in joining the committee there could be ways of getting them involved. <br /> Paul suggested that Jamie and Nelson be assigned tasks now and then in order to <br /> keep them involved in this committee. Paul told committee members that he <br /> would have benefited from attending 6 or 8 meetings before he joined the <br /> committee. <br /> TOWN PROJECTS <br /> Ted proposed that the new committee members be educated about other projects <br /> worked on before this current committee convened. Sid told the members that the <br /> new committee will have more information once the coordinator position is filled <br /> and a database is developed. Ted asked if it would be appropriate, from an education <br /> standpoint, to ask Bob Whritenour or Mr: Fadula to attend a meeting of the EDC to <br /> update the new committee members. Sid told the committee that the guide book <br /> would be helpful for this purpose also. This will be discussed further at a future <br /> meeting. <br /> MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:10 P.M. THE COMMITTEE WILL MEET AGAIN ON <br /> JULY 26, 1994 AT 7:00 P.M.IN CONFERENCE ROOM 1 AT THE TOWN HALL. <br /> REMINDER: THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETS ON THE <br /> SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 7:00 P.M. IN <br /> CONFERENCE ROOM 1 AT THE TOWN HALL. <br /> 5 <br />