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r <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES OF JULY 251, 1994 <br /> Members Present: Sid Stern, Robert Govoni, Paul Reynolds, Steven <br /> Innis, (Ted Lewis , arrived 7: 19 p.m. ) . <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 15 p.m. <br /> Members were requested to initial a letter regarding reassignment <br /> of Board Secretary. <br /> The Minutes of July 12, 1994 were accepted with the following <br /> changes on page 3 under title of S.O.P. : <br /> * seniority of alternate members ( for voting purposes) was <br /> acceptable to Writenour. <br /> * Sid proposed that any future applicants for an alternate <br /> position on this committee be interviewed and voted on by <br /> the EDC and recommended to the Selectmen. For any future <br /> employee/consultant position, the interview would involve <br /> this committee, the Executive Secretary, and the Personnel <br /> Director of the town. <br /> Under the title of APPOINTMENT PROCESS. . . <br /> * Sid was uncertain whether the resume could be copied and <br /> circulated among committee members. <br /> Sid informed Ted (upon his arrival) that the Town Clerk was <br /> present earlier and distributed copies of the open, meeting law <br /> and conflict of interest statement to all members. <br /> MISSION STATEMENT FY' 95 COMMITTEE: <br /> Sid stated that he went through the past FY' 94 Minutes and found <br /> first and second drafts of the mission statement. He called <br /> Tom Potts and told him that as of this date, he has not received <br /> records from the previous chairperson. Sid recommended that <br /> the committee should consider the same mission statement or <br /> develop one at the next meeting_ The sense of the mission <br /> statement is contained in the Chamber of Commerce EDC <br /> advertisement and is similar to the Mashpee Guidebook page one. <br /> If Sid can locate the mission statement from Tom, he will convey <br /> it to the secretary to put into the Minutes. Further discussion <br /> on this will continue at the next meeting. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> The present status of this committee for FY' 95 is to be a five- <br /> member- committee with alternates.. Sid asked members if- they <br /> want to have a vice chair and a clerk. Discussion followed <br />