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i�ir. �i i it reiad t ie l:.b des��iNiivi� iir st. Tie description iisc:iilucd <br /> that this is a Earl ti.nee consulting position to assist the Board of <br /> Selectmen through its Economic Development Committee and Executive <br /> Secretary in developing and implementing strategies and expanding <br /> local business and employment opportunities within the Town of <br /> Mashree. It was decided that the job description would be the ruling <br /> force in seiection and that the committee would develop a yes, no and <br /> maybe file. <br /> Laurie Anr. Donovap - Paul Reynolds commented that fins. Donovan was <br /> a Tavorabie candidate, young, schedule flexible, worked with Mashpee <br /> before In planning depar-me t, worked on economic development project <br /> whAe in csllegv, cor puter skills are there. <br /> Ai o i - comments included that his list of experience dates to 1942, <br /> most of knowledge is in engineering_ Not a lot of economic, development, <br /> cor:puta. or gover-M-nei:t experience- <br /> At i3.05 p m. Bob Govoni +pined the committee. <br /> Norman Crawley - commants included public relations experience, grant <br /> proposals experience, presumptuous regarding expenses. <br /> aigille L.-taL - comments included just out of school, political science <br /> 4a;cr, -Y-n3LrcS.^�ed at Ne1�: Seabury, computer experience, resume eared <br /> _ toward college , <br /> .ivS ,1i 3a - co(3 merits included no cover letter, sales experience, <br /> f::iliarti� with area, supervisory experience. <br /> i <br /> wrong resume, economic development, 20 years, <br /> Cgoverriiiterit experience, grant writer, PAT. Stern felt he is a strong <br /> c n date and that the resume warrants an interview. <br /> iapreer scnizeili - Paul Reynolds commented that she had decent <br /> „ills, economic development experience with Yarmouth Chamber of <br /> %-o.m.marce, ccmp ter system dasign experience and implementing <br /> marketi-g strategies. Mr_ Stern i--Ommented that she had so3'`.'ie very good <br /> experience in 3oston and on the Tape. <br /> W—a se John Pv':Ipaa - experienced but Mr- Innis was con',used b <br /> ) ry of qualific2tions. <br />