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K <br /> Ted 1-ewis ioined the meeting at 8:5C p.m_ <br /> Bob Govoni made a motion to recommend to the Executive <br /> S,-Czetary Imhe candidates Donovan. Megathlin, Ricchitelli and Duche:amin <br /> as finalists far the position. After considerable discussion pertaining to <br /> flow many candidates would be recommended for interviews, the motion <br /> was seconded and voted. Ali in favor. <br /> The chairman brought Mr_ Lewis and Mr. Govoni up to date on the <br /> list of invitees for the business celebration. <br /> 44 . Govoni asked ii the ro€gunittee had gone over the requia ernems <br /> Of Mr_ Stern answered that that would be on the <br /> agenda and that some bind of criteria for alternates would be se*. 11%41r_ <br /> Lewis suggested there be some kind o.i obligation on the pare of an <br /> Such, as attending at least one out of four meetings. e,c, E: i_ <br /> L-w;s also suggested that the Executive Secretary clarify what would be <br /> . PII-OPvr as to the vn�'mittee Interviewing and recommending aita. —te- <br /> r. S;ern pr esen.ed the guide for business to the selectimen the <br /> pravious everting. The committee also discussed how the false notion o; <br /> charging for the guide had come about_ Mr. Stern also said that the <br /> disiribu-tion tog for the guide was in the selectmen's office. <br /> "fe t meeting is scheduled for August 23rd at 7 p_m- <br /> Motion io adjourn. Seconded. All in favor. <br />