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stated he was not in favor of this Article. Paul stated that <br /> we need to keep in mind that promotion of growth by EDC should <br /> be appropriate. Sid added that tDC should not only look to <br /> promote economic growth but also to increase the tax base of <br /> Mashpee. Sid felt that market prices of property will decline <br /> if we increase the supply of commercial property by rezoning <br /> and that will affect the tax base as fair market value <br /> (FMV) would reduce assessed values of commercially zoned land. <br /> We should try to develop property already zoned commercial. <br /> Discussion occurred on whether to take action on this. Bob <br /> recommended writing Mr. Terry a letter stating that more research <br /> needs to be done so that EDC can come up with a decision on <br /> how we stand on this matter, and a motion was made, seconded, <br /> and unanimously voted to write and send a letter to Mr. Terry <br /> as suggested by Bob Govoni. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Sid stated that he and Paul attended an ED Coordinator" s 'meeting <br /> with the Personnel Board. Paul reported that the choices have <br /> been narrowed down to six candidates which are: Donald <br /> Megathlin, Lori Donovan, Maureen Rischitelli , Wayne Duchemin, <br /> Norman Crawley, and Al Polsi. Paul noted that' the Personnel <br /> Board are looking for a candidate who could visit corporations <br /> and promote Mashpee; Paul felt a background in database and <br /> computers is more important. Sid stated we also need a marketing <br /> oriented person who can meet the public. Sid stated the <br /> Personnel Board felt that everyone from Mashpee deserved an <br /> -interview; interviews have. been scheduled for Thursday, September <br /> 16 , starting at 4: 00 p.m. , and all members are welcome to attend. <br /> The questions for the candidates that are noted in the August <br /> 23rd Minutes were acceptable to the Personnel Board. Sid passed <br /> out copies of the revised job description. They will narrow <br /> the choices down to two candidates. The Personnel Board and <br /> EDC members attending will make the recommendation to the <br /> Selectmen. Bob stated that he will research the hiring. process <br /> and report back to EDC. <br /> Bob distributed a a handout from Lanny Chase of EMG (Enterprise <br /> Management Group, Inc. ) who is seeking a zoning change from <br /> R-3 to C--2 for recreational use (golf, baseball , tennis, trails, <br /> etc. ) which involves approximately 48 acres. They are seeking <br /> the support ,of -EDC in this effort as it comes before the Planning <br /> Board on September 21st. Bob suggested inviting Lanny to the <br /> next meeting for a -presentation, and it was favorably received. <br /> Sid was in favor of this project in the past, and it was <br /> petitioned for Town vote. Paul noted that the cost <br /> comparisons for residential use were impressive. Bob stated <br /> that he will get a copy of the Articles for Town meeting so <br /> that EDC can discuss those which pertain to EDC. Ed stated <br /> at 9: 40 p.m. that he had another commitment and needed to leave. <br /> -3- <br />