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ti. <br /> Jr <br /> was targeted as. a possible site for taking telephone inquiries. <br /> Bill Hauk was suggested as a person to contact as a good resource <br /> to help in this effort. Mr. Cirillo from C--Map would like to <br /> draw more companies to Mashpee in the field of navigation. <br /> Paul suggested that Mr. Cirillo might be a good person as an <br /> alternate for EDC; Paul will call him and encourage him to write <br /> a letter. of interest to the Selectmen, provided he is a Mashpee <br /> resident. <br /> Richard Terry, Esq. (property owner) and Blaise Stapleton <br /> ( property manager Shellback Place) were present to seek support <br /> from EDC for the upcoming Article on the October 23rd Town <br /> Meeting warrant .to rezone residential (R-5 ) land at N.E. cor. <br /> Rte. 151 and Old Barnstable Road. Mr. Terry started by thanking <br /> EDC for all their efforts in promoting economic development <br /> in Mashpee. Mr. Terry reviewed the zoning plan showing that <br /> it is zoned for a two acre luxury estate. He bought the property <br /> ten years ago, and subsequently it was rezoned to residential <br /> without a comprehensive plan. It is difficult to market this <br /> property, and it has become a hardship for Mr, Terry. Mr. <br /> Terry would like to see this property become the site of the <br /> 3rd District Court House, but he said the zoning would need <br /> to be changed to commercial status . There are good job prospects <br /> that could result from this . Mr. Stern asked about the Southport <br /> Development status , and Mr. Terry stated it is in very poor <br /> condition. Sid asked Mr. Terry if he plans to build and lease <br /> to the State,. and Mr. Terry stated that the State would buy <br /> and use the acres as needed. Mr. Stapleton further added that <br /> there would be construction of auxilliary buildings to the Court <br /> as well ; this is a good site. Mr. Terry asked the EDC to write <br /> a letter of support for this rezoning to the Planning Board. <br /> Sid asked what the results were of previous appeals to the PE, <br /> and Mr. Terry stated they wanted to wait a few years more. <br /> Mr. Terry stated that is why he needs EDC to talk to the PB. <br /> Mr. Terry presented a copy of a letter from the Board of <br /> Assessors which stated that the land would be better used as <br /> commercial rather than residential. Messrs. Terry and Stapleton <br /> thanked the Committee for the opportunity to speak and left <br /> the meeting. Discussion ensued after their departure. Paul <br /> wondered if EDC can make a judgement regarding this without <br /> getting some indication from the Selectmen; Sid stated EDC can, <br /> and this would be within our function. Sid stated that the <br /> State can take any land and use it for its purpose, even if <br /> it is zoned residential, so this property, does not have to be <br /> rezoned for that purpose. Mr. Terry can try and bring the State <br /> there on his own without rezoning it. Sid noted that the Town ' s <br /> revenue from a private owner- is higher than if it were owned <br /> by the State. Bob had reservations about the rezoning since <br /> the site will be across the street from the new high school , <br /> and as commercial property a liquor store could be there. Ted <br /> agreed that the Court House brings in commercial stores, etc. , <br /> and that it is not our job to resolve Mr. Terry' s problem. Ted <br /> `4 l <br /> -2- <br />