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who have invested in Mashpee in the past; Sid has the marketing <br /> savvy, and the Town is willing to pre-permit. <br /> Sid reported on the current status of Southport. Paul stated <br /> that available land and empty buildings are on the database. <br /> Sid wants to use that database. We can offer pre-permitting, <br /> marketing services. Steve stated the goal is getting the <br /> database relevant and useful . Sid is willing to approach <br /> clients . Paul suggested that a database of the employment pool <br /> be done, find out what we have and what we need. He would like <br /> to see skills development courses such as CAD offered to <br /> residents. Steve suggested developing a survey to determine <br /> our employment pool ; also we should approach Fisher Junior <br /> College and CCCC re: their work coop program. Paul thought <br /> polling 200 businesses would be easy to do. Sid stated that <br /> Tom Fudala, Town Planner, has info in the computer that we should <br /> tap. Steve asked when we should prioritize these 40 items, <br /> should this be the next assignment. Could we assign certain <br /> items to each member; Ted would be a good contact for John <br /> O'Brien. Sid thought we should mark priorities and timelines ; <br /> Ted stated we need to do this as a Committee. Steve would like <br /> to get some assignments going immediately. It was agreed by <br /> consensus that Item B of the "Committee Goals and Tasks FY94- <br /> 95" was the first priority and required timelines. <br /> Paul offered to develop a cost proposal for a survey. Tom Fudala <br /> will be contacted. Paul will confer with Tom Fudala to work <br /> with Wayne on this. <br /> Sid reported that Bob Whritenour was not receptive to the idea <br /> to have Kathy McCabe help us with an EOA application, and so <br /> he did not contact her. There may be a tax abatement issue. <br /> Steve feels EOA could be a negative factor. Ted supports the <br /> EOA concept (which would mean a 5% tax incentive for industry) . <br /> Steve approved the cover letter to go with two copies of the <br /> "Guide" to real estate offices in Mashpee, and he will prepare <br /> a mailing. Steve and Sid will hand deliver them to the <br /> principals . <br /> Sid reported he received Robert Govoni ' s resignation as an EDC <br /> member, but Bob would like to be an alternate. Someone said <br /> "The Mashpee Enterprise" stated that J. Regan resigned as <br /> alternate, but no official letter has been received by the <br /> Committee. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9: 50 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Mary Gelsthorpe, Board Secretary <br /> -2- <br />