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7-c- <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13, 1994 <br /> Members Present: Sid Stern, Paul Reynolds, Ted Lewis , Steve <br /> Innis . <br /> Also present was Wayne Duchemin, E.D. Coordinator. <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 22 p.m. <br /> The Minutes of November 22 , 1994 were accepted as printed. <br /> Wayne gave a progress report on the computer data base. He <br /> stated that he has made semi-entries, identifying and adding <br /> information from the assessor ' s sheets and Tom Fudala. He spends <br /> at least one hour a day and is about a quarter way through (there <br /> are approximately 300 entries in total) . He needs to go back <br /> and enter the zoning codes ; he is presently doing buildings . <br /> Wayne noted the problem of constant interruptions due to where <br /> his desk is located. Ted suggested the possibility of Wayne <br /> working at home. Paul will talk to Bob Whritenour re: this. <br /> Paul stated that the program is designed to give information <br /> with parameters ( i.e. all properties of 5 , 000 scj. ft. ) , and <br /> then we can fax the info to any prospective buyer or broker. <br /> Paul asked when the data base might be completed, and Wayne <br /> gave a projection by the end of January. Paul suggested making <br /> it a goal to have the data base in working order by February <br /> lst; the Committee agreed to see how the next two weeks go. <br /> Discussion occurred re: Wayne ' s press release draft. Wayne <br /> noted that repetition is important. Sid stated that the press <br /> release needed to be more newsworthy, and we need a list of <br /> Trade Publications to mail it to. Wayne responded that this <br /> was a foundation press release, and more specific articles will <br /> follow. They will be mailed to Boston Business Journal , Boston <br /> Globe, Boston Herald, and the Cape Cod Times to attract off <br /> Cape business. Paul stated that this should be a regular <br /> occurrence, and the Committee agreed. Wayne stated he would <br /> do one per month which would occupy 1 - 12 hours of his time. <br /> Sid reported on the meeting with Bank of Boston, Northland <br /> Realtors , and Jim O' Connell (CCCED) re: Mashpee Industrial Park. <br /> Bob Whritenour, Tom Fudala, and Sid were present from Mashpee. <br /> Bob Whritenour stated that the Town has done much to market <br /> the Industrial Park ( i.e. lifting the water ban) , and they were <br /> appreciative. They plan to come out with better pricing to move <br /> this property; they want to liquidate this asset. We need to <br /> establish a mechanism to market the Industrial Park, possibly <br /> a non-profit organization that would talk to Bank of Boston. <br /> We need Town approval to get an option on the property such <br /> as a $$right of first refusal . " Sid stated we have raw land <br /> and no structures ; therefore, we have to find developers for <br /> -1 - <br /> i <br />